Saturday, July 1, 2017

When are the last days? (8) Daniel 10:10-21

Here is another amazing answer to this question about the last days. 
·        Daniel 10:14: What the Bible calls the times of the Gentiles involve the last days.  Daniel received a message from the Lord and the context and nature of that message are revealed in Dan. 10-12.  Here is an outline study.  How I encourage you to read this entire passage.  It is truly exalting of the LORD!

o     10:1-9: Daniel receives a vision from the Lord.  He says the message was true, but the appointed time was long (v1).  Daniel prays and fasts and mourn for three weeks, longing for an explanation.  Finally someone arrives, described in ways similar (but not the same) as Christ in Rev. 1.
o   10:10-21: The angel tells Daniel that he had tried to come when Daniel first asked but was delayed by the prince of the kingdom of Persia, a reference to demons that serve Satan and fight to keep God from the exaltation of His Son (Psa. 2:6-9).  But now the angel has arrived, saying I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision refers to many days yet to come (v14).  

o   11:1-39: In the greatest of detail the angel predicts what will occur during the time between Malachi and Matthew.  Two of Alexander the Great’s generals become the king of the north (Syria) and the king of the south (Egypt) who for generations make war over Israel in between.  Eventually the prophecy settles in on the evil Antiochus (11:36-39), a picture of the antichrist and a real enemy of Israel.  All the detail of this prophecy involves known events in history.

o   11:40-12:3: With the words at the time of the end the story goes to the future when the type gives way to the real antichrist.  It culminates with the salvation of Israel (12:1) and the resurrection of all men (12:2).
o   12:4-13: At this point Daniel is told he must shut up the book in which all this has been revealed.  There is mentioned the 3½ year time of great tribulation when the holy people will be completely shattered, a time that begins when the abomination of desolation is set up in the temple.

For those of us who understand that The Revelation is about future events (cf. Rev. 4:1) there is no other explanation that makes sense but that the 7-sealed scroll opened by the Lamb of God in Rev. 4-5 is this very book Daniel had to close.  Daniel could go no further, to the great hope in the last days, because the battle of the cross and empty tomb had not been accomplished.  Only the Lamb who was slain would be worthy to open the book and complete the story.  

What was described to Daniel was life for Israel under the Gentiles.  That involves the latter days.  But in the end of those days victory will be realized; God’s earthly people will be saved.  For Daniel the message was one we need to reckon with: Blessed is he who waits!  God will keep His word.  The time will come.  The revealed Lord Jesus Christ will reign!

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