Monday, July 10, 2017

2 Timothy 3:1-9 (2)

How can we live faithfully as Christians?  Again we would answer that faithfulness is enhanced if we are not ignorant about the times in which we live.  Our previous study considered the nature of the perilous times.  In this study we need to consider when this will happen.  Paul says it will happen in the last days, a phrase similar to the latter times he referred to in 1 Tim. 4:1.  

This kind of terminology is not specific to the New Testament.  It is actually an Old Testament idea.  We want to show this in brief outline form but offer it in much more detail in our blog page where on Saturday’s we devote our attention to prophetic ideas.  (The web address is  The related posts begin on May 13, 2017 and continue for several Saturdays.)

The latter days refer to the time when …
§  Gen. 49:1: Jacob spoke of this time when he told his sons (the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel) what would happen to them in the last days.  This chapter includes a special prophecy of the Messiah’s earthly reign (49:10).
§  Num. 24:14,17-19: Balaam spoke of what Israel would do to Moab in the latter days, including a prophecy of the Messiah’s earthly reign (24:17-19).
§  Deut. 4:25-31: Moses described the latter days as a time when Israel would be gathered from the nations and would turn to the Lord.
§  Deut. 31:29; 32:29: The great Song of Moses describes the latter days as a time of Israel’s desolation and then of God’s mercy in returning them to the land in holiness and prosperity.
§  Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4: These matching prophecies speak of the latter days as the Messianic Kingdom when Jerusalem will be the center of worship.
§  Jer. 48:47; 49:39: Jeremiah prophesied the return of the captives of two nations, Moab and Elam, in the latter days.
§  Ezek. 38:16: Ezekiel saw it as a time of hostile nations warring against Israel.
§  Dan. 2:28: Daniel saw it as the culmination of world kingdoms with the reign of Messiah, as seen in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
§  Dan. 10:14: In this prophecy Daniel spoke of the times of the Gentiles beginning in his own day that would culminate with the seven years of tribulation and the reign of Messiah (Dan. 10-12).
§  Hosea 3:5: Hosea saw it as the time when Israel would seek the Lord in truth.
§  2 Pet. 3:3; Jude 1:18: Peter and Jude saw it as a time when people would mock the idea of Jesus return.
§  1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1: Paul saw it as the time of terrible doctrinal deception.
Many consider the latter days as referring to the time between Jesus ascension and return in glory.  There is truth in this.  But this study indicates an emphasis on the time of Jesus’ return, indicating events that have special emphasis as that Day draws nearer.  So let us understand, the longer we live, the more we might expect to see these burdensome things.  Let us take warning.

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