Saturday, June 17, 2017

When are the last days? (6) Jeremiah 48:40-47; 49:39; Ezekiel 38:14-17

In our previous study we noted that the last days refer to a time relative to Israel, but that there will be other nations present as well.  The Isaiah/Micah passage referred to the nations coming to Jerusalem for worship and instruction.  Today’s study will reveal some of the nations that will exist in that time.

·        Jer. 48:47; 49:39: Jeremiah prophesied the return of the captives of two nations, Moab and Elam, in the latter days.
o   First we ask, “Will these nations will be called by the same name in the latter days?”  The territory of Moab is today a part of the kingdom of Jordan.  In the Bible Moabites were descendants of Lot (Gen. 19:36-38) and God gave them a specific territory to occupy (Num. 21:13-15; Deut. 2:9).  Elam was a kingdom in the southern part of the Babylonian empire and ceased to exist after the conquest by Alexander the Great.  It does not play a major role in Biblical history.  And yet, here we see it is said to have a future.  We cannot say with certainty that these names will reappear but it would not surprise us.  Today in the Middle East there are a lot of the ancient names that are reappearing as city and regional names.
o   What is significant is that these prophecies indicate the grace of God extended to nations and nationalities other than Israel in the latter days.  The return of these captives and the inclusion of these nations among those in the time of Jesus’ earthly reign indicate there are righteous citizens in those nations and that is the result of the work of God’s Spirit.

·        Ezek. 38:16: Ezekiel saw it as a time of hostile nations warring against Israel.
o   Ezek. 38-39 record the invasion of Israel, in the latter days, by a confederacy of nations that seems to revolve around Russian leadership.  Ezek. 38:1-9 indicates these nations.  Ezekiel portrays this invasion and then some event that draws the nations to a place in Israel where God pours out His wrath on them.  We believe this is a battle that immediately precedes Armageddon, the battle that occurs when Christ returns and makes war against the remaining nations gathered against Him (Rev. 19:17-21).  (We published 2 blogs on this in our blog on Feb.12-13, 2015).
o   What this says concerning the latter days it that this battle is one of the events involved in that time that results in the Messianic Kingdom.  They are part of God’s cleansing of Israel in that they wreak havoc among the Chosen Nation, havoc that results in the turning of the nation to Christ.  God then, according to Rev. 12, protects the saved nation and turns His attention to the judgment of the nations.

What these prophecies together tell us is that God will not only turn His wrath upon the nations; He will also extend His grace to the nations for the salvation of many.  We are not surprised; this is His way, extending salvation to those who will turn to Him.  It is His way today!

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