Friday, June 9, 2017

1 Timothy 4:6-16 (3)

The good servant of Jesus Christ must be and do.   Verses 12-13 show this.
·        What is he to be?  The good servant is to be an example.  And given Timothy’s age Paul makes it very clear: youth is no excuse.  A valuable distinction is made here: being young is not necessarily the same as being a novice.  In selecting leaders Timothy was not to choose a spiritual novice (3:6).  But look at what was expected of Timothy if he was to be a good servant.  He was to lead the way for believers in word (how he spoke), in conduct (how he lived), in love (how he cared for people), in spirit (how he served earnestly and willingly), in faith (how he walked with God) and in purity (how he handled young women in the church, same term in 5:2).

·        What is he to do?  Paul calls for three primary aspects to the ministry of the word: the public reading of Scripture (something of value today even though everyone has their own Bible), exhortation (coming alongside people with words of counsel), and teaching (making the truth clear).  Again we are reminded that teaching is not the end of ministry; through exhortation people are encouraged to live out the sound doctrine.

We come now to 4:14-16 where Paul exhorts Timothy in matters that will help him to be and do that which fits a good servant of Christ.
·        He must not neglect his gift.  Timothy had been set apart for ministry by elders.  The gift that came with this was for ministry and he needed to cultivate this.  As to how to do this likely is bound up in four principles.

·        Meditate on these things.  This term, only used here in Scripture, was used by Greek orators and referred to careful reflection and might include practice.  Timothy’s gift had to do with speaking and he should think about how to be more effective.
·        Give yourself to these things.  Another interesting term, he was to be entirely given to his service for Christ.  There was to be no part of his being withheld.

·        Take heed to these things.  He was to pay attention to what Paul had said and to apply himself to it.
·        And he was to continue in these things.  This called for perseverance, for remaining focused on his life and doctrine.  This called for perseverance, for remaining focused on his life and doctrine.  He would need to be faithful in the study so as to teach the truth and to teach it clearly.  And he was to be faithful in his walk with Christ, knowing that this was not just about himself; how he served Christ was critical to the salvation of others!

Again, let us remember that every believer is a servant of Christ.  Our goal is to be a good servant.  This chapter is for each and every believer!

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