Friday, March 17, 2017

Romans 6:1-11

       There is a principle in the Scriptures played out consistently in the lives of God’s people.  Some call it the resurrection principle.  The resurrection principle says that resurrection life can only be experienced after death.
            In all but one case the principle is applied figuratively.  In the case of the Lord Jesus He died, and was then raised, never to die again.  Because of Christ’s literal resurrection believers are assured they too will someday die and then be resurrected.

            Spiritually one can see this life-death-resurrection life scenario played out repeatedly in Scripture.  God gives a plan or purpose or vision to someone.  They have something to do for God.  But in short order circumstances become such that the accomplishment of that vision becomes an impossibly.  The person may give up the idea altogether.  They may become discouraged.  They recognize they cannot do what God has asked of them.  But then, out of this death God Himself makes it possible for the impossible to be done.  What man cannot do God does.  Figuratively, He resurrects the man and the plan.

                Christ, in John 16, is about to apply the resurrection principle to his disciples.  But before looking at that, here are some Old Testament illustrations of the principle. 
            1.Abraham believed God for a son, Gen. 15:6.  But he and Sara were too old to have children (death, Gen. 16-20).  Then God gave them Isaac (resurrection, Gen. 21).
            2.Abraham again was told to sacrifice the promised son (death, Gen. 22:1-10).  He trusted God and God gave back the son (resurrection, v11-19).
            3.Moses lived 120 years.  After 40 years he tried to deliver Israel his way.  For 40 years he gave up delivering Israel (death).  At the burning bush God gave Him back his life and for 40 years he delivered Israel God’s way (resurrection).

            4.Gideon was called by God to fight the Midianites (Judges 6:11-27).  But then God reduced his army to only 300 men (death, Judges 7:1-6).  God then gave them the victory (resurrection, Judges 7:7-25).
            5.David was anointed king by Samuel (1 Sam. 16:1-13).  Then for several years he hid from Saul (death).  In God’s time David became king (resurrection, 2 Sam. 5:1-5).
            6.Israel was called to be God’s people.  Because of sin God has sent them aside (death).  Yet God promises to restore Israel in the future (resurrection, Ezek. 37:1-14).

            Why does God do this?  What is the purpose of the resurrection principle?
            He does this to glorify Himself through His creation.  There is no room for people to boast of their own abilities.  The accomplishment is all of God.
            He does this to point to the ultimate illustration:  the Lord Jesus Christ.  His death, burial and resurrection is the gospel, the good news by which men can be saved.  In the Bible everything points to Christ.

            Did you see the resurrection principle in the reading today?  This is the way we live our lives every day.  Believers have been joined with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.  Saving faith involves dying to self, realizing that we cannot live the satisfying life we long to live.  So in losing our own lives (death) we are given a new life, the life of Christ which is eternal life (resurrection).  If you are a believer in Christ then count this to be true:  you die with Christ to live a new life.

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