Wednesday, March 8, 2017

John 15:1-8 (b)

       For Christians it is imperative that they bear fruit.  It glorifies God (v8).  And since Christ also glorified His Father (13:31) bearing fruit makes us true disciples of Christ (v8).  The importance of this is seen elsewhere in Scripture:
·        Matt. 7:15-20 where teachers are known by their fruit.
·        Matt. 13:18-23 where true faith is evidenced by fruitfulness.
·        Matt. 21:33-46 where the kingdom of God is taken from Israel and given to people who will produce it’s fruit. 

            The branch exists for no other reason but to bear fruit.  And the passage makes it clear:  the more fruit the better (v8, much fruit).
            What fruit is to be produced?  Scripture identifies the fruit of character and ministry.  Fruit of character relates to our likeness to Christ and is seen in…
·        Matt. 3:8-10:  fruit fit for repentance.
·        Rom. 6:21-22:  the fruit of holiness.
·        Eph. 5:9; Gal. 5:22-23: the fruit of the Spirit.
            Fruit of ministry is seen in…..
·        Col. 1:10; Titus 3:14; Romans 15:28:  the fruit of good works.
·        Rom. 1:13:  the fruit of people won to Christ.

            All fruit-bearing is an occasion for the fruit of praise (Heb. 13:15).  Bearing fruit glorifies God.  Thus we must ask:  how can we bear more fruit?  How can we grow in Christ-likeness?  How can we be more productive in ministry?
            The answer begins by recognizing that the work of God the Father and God the Son is fundamental to our fruitfulness (v1-2).  Jesus says, “I am true vine.”  It is obvious that there will be no fruit at all if we do not abide in the vine.
            When He calls Himself the true vine He differentiates Himself from the false vineyard that Israel has become.  Through disobedience to God’s law and by replacing it with men’s traditions Israel was no longer bearing fruit for God’s glory.  They had rejected the Messiah, the True Vine.  They had cut themselves off from their very life-blood.  By faith the disciples had come to the True Vine, and thus they had the potential of bearing real fruit.
            Jesus also says, My Father is the vinedresser.  To dress the vine is to work the earth.  The Father works the ground as well as the vine.  God is very hands on with the believer.  He will do whatever a wise and perfect vinedresser must do to increase the productivity of His vineyard.

            Here are two things He will do.  If a branch bears no fruit He will break it off and throw it in the fire.  Since Jesus says these branches are in me (v2) it seems He is referring to those who are His disciples but who are no longer bearing fruit.  This is extreme discipline by the Father to take them out of ministry, perhaps even from this life.
            But God will also work with the fruit-bearing disciple, pruning him so that he bears more fruit.  Often there are interests or priorities that interfere with the disciple’s life and ministry.  By the loving discipline of our Heavenly Father (Heb. 12:3-11) those things are trimmed back.  We ought not resent the Lord’s discipline; He is helping us to do that for which we have been designed.  We have been chosen to bear fruit, more fruit, and much fruit.

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