Saturday, August 27, 2016

Is Hell's Punishment Unending? (5) (Galatians 6:1-10)

Recent Saturday blogs have dealt with the idea that eternal punishment is out of character for a God of love.  But we have noted that Scripture describes the true God is just/fair/righteous and man as desperately wicked, evil to the core.  In coming weeks we will consider whether or not Scripture actually describes a punishment that is eternal.  Some question such an interpretation.

For now, however, let us establish two related principles that are fundamental to judgment from the Bible’s point of view.

·        All judgment fits the “law of the harvest;” or as Gal. 6:7-8 says: whatever a man sows that he will also reap.  In other words, the judgment fits the crime.  Admittedly there are many scenes of judgment in Scripture (because man regularly sows that which must reap judgment).  And in those scenes we see this principle.  The Psalmist prayed that his unjust enemy would simply receive from God what he had given out (e.g. Psalm 109:17).  Regularly in the judgment of the nations (as well as Israel) God promised to give as was given (e.g. Jer. 51:24-26).  And by the way, this applies to works of righteousness also (cf. today’s passage, Luke 6:38 and many more).

·        All judgment is according to works.  God’s judgment is not simply based on the wickedness of the heart.  God says the heart will always be revealed in works (Matt. 6:21; 12:35-37 and many others). 
o   Let us note: the judgment as to whether a person is deserving of salvation is not based on the works of the individual (Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5); but it is clearly based on the work of our Substitute.  He has fulfilled the righteous demands of the law (Rom. 8:1-4); He is the end of the law for righteousness (Rom. 10:4).  The merit of Christ is put to the account of (imputed to) the believer (2 Cor. 5:17-21.  Our works bring death (Rom. 4:4); Christ’s work beings life (Rom. 6:4).  And God did judge our sins when He poured out His wrath on Christ who bore our sin (this is the truth of propitiation; Rom. 3:25; Lev. 16:15; 1 John 2:2; 4:10).
o   The judgment of believer’s for reward, at the judgment seat of Christ, is one of works (2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10).
o   And critically, the judgment of unbelievers involves works.  Rev. 20:11-15 describes that judgment.  A book is opened that reveals that those standing before God are not believers; their names are not in the Book of Life.  But then books are opened from which it is seen that their wicked hearts were revealed in wicked works.  (From this, by the way, many have argued for degrees of judgment based on works.  While this can’t be discounted the Scriptures are otherwise silent on the subject.)

Our conclusion is that God not only has a righteous standard in terms of what deserves condemnation; He has a righteous standard of what judgment is appropriate in each case.  It is not judgment without rhyme nor reason.

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