Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2 Corinthians 11:16-31

Go to any ministry or church web page to find out information about some pastor or ministry leader.  You will almost always be presented with a list of degrees they have received, another list of books they have written, and another list of their significant accomplishments.  In the case of the apostle Paul these kinds of “ministry credentials” were part of his life before Christ and he considered them rubbish (Phil. 3:3-7).  

Yet Paul still needed to state his credentials for the church at Corinth.  He is reluctant (v16-17), concerned that he might come across as proud.  Thus, in a sense, to protect the Lord, he speaks not according to the Lord’s revelation but according to the foolishness of outward appearance as others are doing (v18).  The Corinthians were falling for the boastings of these false apostles, even though the effect of it all was harmful.

Thus Paul engages in the foolishness of boasting.  But his list of ministry credentials is vastly different than those who oppose him.  Rather than listing great accomplishments Paul describes his weaknesses.  Like Christ, whose death at the hands of sinful men led to His powerful resurrection, so Paul describes situations in his ministry where he was under the sentence of death so to speak.  Thus his boasting is actually boasting in the Lord who gave him the strength.

Paul’s listing of credentials is first very general (11:22-31), and then speaks of three more specific situations (11:32-12:10).  While the list is understandable, note the following:
·        v22 speaks of his background by birth.
·        v23 includes near death situations.
·        v24 refers to a tradition among the Jews that 40 stripes was too shameful.

·        v25 speaks of shipwrecks.  The shipwreck of Acts 26-28 was still future.
·        v26 contains the most uses of a single Greek term in one Bible verse.
·        v26 includes Gentile persecution as well as that by a false brother.
·        v28 reflects Paul’s constant travelling, teaching, reproving, encouraging and praying for the churches.

·        v29-31 contains 2 great truths that are at the base of Paul’s words here …
o   He boasted in his infirmities or weaknesses, thus identifying with the Lord Jesus and His cross (2 Cor. 13:4; Gal. 6:14).
o   He trusted God to confirm all that he had said.

Let us not allow life situations that leave us weak to hinder our ministry.  Rather, like Paul, may they be the platform from which we render faithful service to Christ and thus bring praise to God.   

Þ   Our weaknesses give us greater compassion for others (2 Cor. 1:3ff).
Þ   Our weaknesses give us a deeper likeness to Christ (2 Cor. 4:17-18).
Þ   Our weaknesses increase our faith in God (2 Cor. 1:9).

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