Thursday, February 18, 2016

Read John 2

Not only the prophets of old but Christ Himself predicted His resurrection.  Today’s’ reading contains the earliest such prediction recorded for us.  In the days following His first miracle Jesus made a statement that at the time was understood by no one.  Yet it is a strong word that shows us the relationship of His resurrection to the truth of His identity.

His words are tied to the miracle (v1-12).  The changing of water to wine is the first of seven miracles recorded by John that manifested His glory (i.e. proclaim His deity).  John later says that Jesus did many other signs “but these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His Name” (Jn. 20:30-31).  After recording the seven John then recorded an eighth, the crowning sign of Jesus’ resurrection. This would powerfully declare that He was God’s Son (Rom. 1:1-4).  

His words are tied to the cleansing of the temple (v13-22).  Jesus cleared the temple twice, this being the first.  What He did undoubtedly seemed shocking to all who observed and experienced His anger.  But in fact this event fulfilled the prophecy of Messiah from Psalm 69:9, that He would have zeal for His Father’s house.  As the Old Testament indicates, His actions were an indictment of the religious leaders, that they reproached God by their practices.

For that reason Jesus’ actions led to the confrontation with the Jews.  “What sign do you show us?”  Jesus answer is powerful.  He says that the only miracle or “sign” they will accept will be His resurrection from the dead.  Truly the great number of miracles He performed in His ministry were not sufficient to convince them that He was their Messiah.  Though He was popular among the crowds, they eventually followed the lead of their shepherds demanding His crucifixion.

Further, note the reference Jesus makes to His body as the temple of God.  The indwelling Holy Spirit who fills Christ is unique.  It will become the “norm” for His Church to be “the temple of God” (1 Cor. 6:19-20; Eph. 2:19-21).  The Jews had no idea what Christ was saying; the only temple they knew was the building in Jerusalem.  But His disciples also did not understand until there was a precise fulfillment of Jesus’ words when He was resurrected three days after His death.  

His words are tied to the warning concerning those who believed in His name (v23-25).  Jesus knew from the start the problem that would materialize: people would become more focused on the signs of His glory than on Him, the bearer of that Glory!  Though they believed in His name, yet their faith was in the “signs,” not in the Savior.  We too live in a day when there is a tremendous preoccupation with “signs and wonders”.  May we be warned concerning our faith, that our preoccupation be the Son of God!  Christ’s resurrection tells us who He is.  True faith confesses Christ as Lord because it believes He was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:9-10).  Is your faith genuine?  Is it in the Lord, Jesus Christ?

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