Monday, February 8, 2016

Psalm 29

One evening, several years ago, Cindy and I and quite a few other folks stood at NW Montana’s Holland Lake observing an amazing display of God’s power in a thunderstorm.  The storm descended down the Swan Range from Upper Holland Lake, lighting trees on fire and then just as quickly putting them out with the accompanying heavy rains.  It came down the mountain, following Holland Creek, and then began making it’s way across the lake in our direction, eventually causing the awed crowd to flee for their cabins and cars.  

As I think of this, I am reminded too of the years we lived in Walsh, in SE Colorado.  Our home was at the east edge of town giving a grand view of evening lightening and thunder display for miles around.  Perhaps you have seen similar displays of God’s power.

This wonderful Psalm seems to reflect David’s meditations in watching such a powerful thunderstorm.  It is God’s special revelation gained by one who has observed His general revelation.

In verses 3-9 the voice of the Lord is referred to 7 times.  God’s voice is heard, so to speak, in the thunder.  It reflects God’s power and majesty (v3-4); creation always reveals the attributes of the Creator.  In the north of Israel he sees the lightening skip like a calf (v5-7).  (Note: Sirion is a reference to Mt. Hermon.)  The lightening splits the mighty cedars, perhaps lighting them on fire.  As the storm passes to the desert in the south the booming thunder shakes the wilderness, frightening the deer and stripping bare the wilderness forests (v8-9).  Everything in the temple of God’s creation cries “Glory!”.  

The closing verses are David’s thoughts as the storm breaks up or disappears from sight.  There is a rainbow that reminds him of God’s sovereignty (the reference to the flood suggests this).  And there is a quietness that reminds him of God’s blessing on His people.  Such is the voice of the Lord.  It is powerful.  It accomplishes God’s will.  As Isaiah says, the word of God does not return empty; it accomplishes all He pleases (Isa. 55:10-11).

What is to be our response to this?  It is found in the opening verses where we are called to worship God.  We are to ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, the glory due to His name.  God has spoken.  His word is powerful.  Worship Him today in the beauty of holiness.

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