Friday, January 1, 2016

What will be the sign of Jesus’ coming?

Read 1 Tim. 4:1-5; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Acts 20:29-31
Jesus criticized the Jewish religious leaders of His day for failing to discern the signs of the times (Matt. 16:1-4).  They failed to see the clear indications that Jesus was the Messiah and should be accepted as such.  In Matt. 24-25 Jesus, in answer to the specific question of His disciples, gave signs of His second coming (24:3).  We would be foolish to repeat the error of Israel and fail to discern the signs of the times.  Jesus was gracious to give us a leg up in preparation for the difficult days before His coming.  Let us not ignore His help.

Let us take the next few Saturdays and consider these signs, beginning with those signs involving the religious bent of the world in the latter days.
1)    Signs of Christ’s return in the realm of religion.
a)     Apostasy (Matt. 24:10-12; 2 Thess 2:3).  The visible church will be apostate or falling away.  The term in 2 Thess. 2:3 is the Greek apostasia, referring to a defection or falling away.  Paul says the day of Christ will not come until this apostasy has occurred.  Other passages indicate the nature and reason for people’s defection from the truth.

i)       Lukewarmness, Rev. 3:14-22, 2 Tim 3:4b-5.  It will be a form of Christianity lacking power.  Perhaps it will involve the self-sufficiency of the Laodicean church, a Church at ease but despised by Christ.
ii)    Scoffers, 2Peter 3:3-10.  From within the Church there will be those who deny the literal return of Christ or who, at least, have no sense of the immanency (return at any moment) of His return.
iii)  Great seduction in error, 2 Th. 2:9-12; 1 Tim. 4:1.  Sound doctrine will be so twisted as to result even in teachings that deny the Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 4).  This will be the work of Satan leading to doctrines of demons.  That which is a cult will be seen as orthodox.
iv)  False christs & prophets (cults), Mt.24:4f,11f,23-26.  The twisted truth will include the rise of powerful individuals who attract great numbers of followers with the ultimate one being the Anti-Christ (Rev. 13:8).
v)    Counterfeit signs/wonders/miracles, 2Th.2:9-12.  The deception will be powerful because it will be accompanied by miracles that will remind people of Christ Himself.
vi)  Materialistic view of holiness, 1Tim.4:1-3.  The prevailing doctrine will be wealth-oriented.  Wealth will be seen as a sign of godliness.
vii)           Religion according to what people want, 2Tim.4:3-5.  The message of the preachers/prophets will be focus-group driven, giving people what tickles their ears.
viii)         World-wide/ecumenical movement, Rv. 13:11-17; 17.  This form of Christianity will become world-wide with those refusing to join suffering persecution.

There is more to be said on this in days to come.  For now let us take seriously the countless calls of the New Testament to be vigilant in looking out for deception.  Therefore watch!

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