Monday, January 25, 2016

Psalm 119:129-136

The life-goal of the believer is to be like Jesus Christ (Ro. 8:29-30).  This likeness is not merely external but goes to the depth of our being.  We think like Christ; we desire what He desires.  It is a soul-likeness.

Perhaps this stanza has this in mind.  He speaks of soul-obedience to God’s wonderful testimonies (129).  Wonderful is the same word used of the Christ, the Living Word in Isa. 9:6.  Our love for and obedience to the testimonies of God is equivalent to our love for the Master.   “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

The soul in Hebrew has to do with the essential life of living creatures.  While animals are living souls (Gen. 1:20-24,30)  humans have been created in the image of God.  Thus man lives and moves out of his soul, his deepest thoughts and passions being anchored there.  

The preceding references to the “soul” in Psalm 119 have indicated man’s deep struggle in affliction (20,25,28,81,109).  His soul breaks with longing, melts with heaviness, and faints for salvation.  One may be reminded of David’s brokenness (Psalm 51) or Peter’s bitter tears (Lk. 22:62) when they came to the end of themselves.  Yet both were restored to service.  Like the Psalmist who pants for God’s commands (131) and weeps over disobedience (136), their souls were changed.  Nothing would come between them and God, neither sin (133) nor oppressor (134).  Truly their obedience was from the soul.

For this deep likeness to Christ the Psalmist prays that God’s eyes would look upon him in mercy (132) and that His face would shine upon him (135).  God does this as His word enters our lives.  It is a light (130) reaching every corner of the soul.  As Heb. 4:12-13 affirms, God’s word permeates the dividing of soul and spirit, revealing and cleansing the sin (cf. also Eph. 5:27).

Today, allow the Word to penetrate deeply as you contemplate the obedience of your soul.  Do you see hesitation, reluctance or resistance to God’s revealed will?  Confess the sins that no one else knows but you and your Lord.  Allow the light of His word to shine on you that you might truly walk in the light.  That is soul-obedience.  That is Christ-likeness.

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