Sunday, September 27, 2015

Psalm 58

The Song is somewhat symmetrical.  Consider this outline.
1)    The wickedness of the wicked, v1-5.
a)     In the second person, v1-2.  Perhaps they are silent as an indication of their supposed wisdom and righteousness; but David knows the heart is wicked.
b)    In the third person, v3-5.  All men are born in sin and thus “estranged (from God) from the womb.”  Like a deaf cobra they have no self-restraint.
2)    The judgment of the wicked, v5-11
a)     Desired, sought from God, v6-8.  David asks God to judge the widked.
b)    Anticipated, expected from God, v9-11.  David has assurance because he knows God.  The time will come when the righteous, who are recipients of the violence of the wicked (v2), will rejoice in God’s righteous judgment.

Consider now the closing verse.  When God finally judges the wicked then the wicked will understand and affirm what they rejected or ignored previously.  They will realize that the righteous, whom they oppressed, are in fact rewarded.  They will recognize their accountability to God!  In other words mankind does not understand what’s really going on.  Man’s wisdom is in fact foolishness (1 Cor. 1:18-21,25; 3:18-21).  Paul referred to human wisdom as the elements of the world or the basic principles of the world (1 Cor. 2:1-5; Gal. 4:3; Col. 2:8,10).

One area where mankind completely misses the mark is in the matter of the judgment of God and the ultimate victory of the righteous.  In the latter times the nation of Israel will be God’s means of teaching men their error.  Consider …
·        Micah 4:11-12: When the nations gather against Israel they will attack with great confidence.  “But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, nor do they understand His counsel.”  In fact, the gathering of the nations against Israel will be God’s gathering of the nations to judge them.
·        Ezekiel 39:21-29: When Christ returns and the nations are judged then the nations will know what God had been doing with Israel all along (v23).  It was God who gave them into the hands of their enemies, to chasten them.  And furthermore, Israel will understand that God was doing this (v28). 
·        Isa 55:8f: Men don’t understand because God’s ways and thoughts are higher. 

Men laugh at the thought of current events being the outworking of God’s plan to exalt His Son from the throne of David.  People consider nations and dictators and armies to be the movers and shakers of history.  But David rightly understands that the time will come when men will see the truth and say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely He is God who judges in the earth.” 

May I encourage and warn you with words of Ezekiel given to Israel but appropriate for all to head: “As I live,” says the Lord God, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.  Turn, turn from your evil ways!  For why should you die, O house of Israel?”

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