Tuesday, June 14, 2022

2 Cor. 3:1-11, Do all things work together for good? (2)

(Today: the first of four truths from Rom. 8:28 that give better understanding.)


Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, President Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary 


Notice first, that the apostle declares:  "All things work together for good"  He does not declare that by some cosmic freak or by the mere random whirling of senseless matter, good is eventually produced.  Paul declares that all things work together for good.  And, consequently, he teaches here the same truth which he teaches in Ephesians 1:11:  "God worketh all things after the counsel of his own will."

Why does everything, even heartbreaking tragedy, turn out for good?  The answer is simple.  God is at work in the whole process?  And by His infinite wisdom, power, and love, God is making all things work together for good.

Visit a huge, sprawling plant where automobiles are manufactured.  Watch the bewildering mass of raw material - metals, wood, fabrics, glass, and what not - as it pours into the factory.  Then, without entering the doors of that mammoth structure, walk around to the ramp where the finished product, a sleek and shining mechanism, rolls out, ready for shipment to every corner of the world.  Can you possibly believe that just by luck or chance or accident all that mass of raw material assembles itself into an automobile?  Of course not!

But when you realize that extraordinary skill and power have been brought to bear upon that raw material, you can understand why the finished product is so beautiful and efficient.

Similarly, who can believe that all the mass of our raw experience - sickness, disappointment, broken bodies, blasted hopes, blighting sins - just by luck or accident achieves good?  Introduce God into the picture, however, a God of infinite wisdom, power, and love, and it is possible for even the most searching mind to believe that everything works together for good.  And it works together for good because God is at work.  He is making all things work together for good, bringing to bear upon the raw stuff of our experience all of His limitless resources.

Confessedly, there may be aspects of existence which will baffle us until we see our Lord face to face.  But still, embryonically, we have a solution to this tantalizing mystery.  Our cosmos, we realize, is not a self-existing chaos of atoms which swirl about senselessly.  Undergirding our universe is the everlasting purpose of a Person Who is perfect in wisdom, love, and power, and Who uses the vast process of nature and history for the fulfillment of His gracious purpose, a purpose which is supremely good.

A few years ago, the Rev. James Patton, pastor of the Carmel Avenue Baptist Church of Detroit, left home early one Sunday morning in order to pick up children for Bible school in the church bus.  The man who ordinarily served as driver had found it impossible to do the job that day, and so the pastor himself volunteered.  And tragedy struck.  The bus was demolished by a train which killed Patton and several other people.  Meanwhile, his wife was waiting at home for him to return.

Who can imagine the shock and horror which overwhelmed her when she learned of her husband's death?  Among the many condolences which she received was this telegram which brought immense comfort to her heart:  "God is too kind to do anything cruel, and too wise ever to make a mistake."

Yes, introduce God into the context of life's worst tragedies, the God whose love has been supremely revealed at Calvary, and it is possible to believe Paul's triumphant assertion.  A God like that can be trusted to make all things work together for good.

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