Monday, March 15, 2021

2 Tim. 3:1-3; 1 Cor. 9:24-27, Self-Control (1)

 Definition of “Self control.”

·       Depending on your translation, we are talking about the last in the list of the fruit of the Spirit.

·       “Instant obedience to the initial promptings of God’s Spirit.” (Gothard)

·       “The controlling power of the will under the operation of the Spirit of God.” (Vine).

Underlying principle.

God created Man with certain good desires and gives Man responsibility for controlling them (not letting them control him, Gen. 1:28).

Bible Study.

·       1 Cor. 9:25-27: Those who want to successfully run the race of the Christian life must exercise self-control.  Paul desired to finish his race with joy (Ac. 20:24).  To do this, he was not moved by the fear of tribulation (20:23) nor did he count his life dear to himself.  Finishing the race with joy was more important to him than the day-to-day satisfying of human desires.  These desires were not necessarily immoral; but satisfying them stood in the way of finishing the race with joy.  Before his death he said, I have finished the race (2 Tim. 4:7).  That means he lived a life of self-control, one based on God’s plan for him (the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus); it was not based on his personal dreams.

·       Why is self-control so important?

o   1 Cor. 6:19-20: Remember our definition.  “Self-control” is “Spirit control.”  As a Christian, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  I no longer own my body; God does.  Thus, what else would I do but yield to His control.

o   Prov. 25:28: Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.  Lack of self-control leaves my inner man defenseless.

o   Prov. 27:7: A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.  In other words, without self-control I am forever trying whatever comes along in order to find satisfaction in life.

·       2 Tim. 3:1-3: What period in history is characterized by the lack of self-control?  The answer is the last days.  It is a time without self-control (v3).

·       Prov. 5:1-2; 2 Peter 1:6: The Bible emphasizes the need for knowledge about life and ourselves and our relationships as important to self-control.  In Prov. 5 there is a chapter warning a man about sexual immorality.  It begins with a call: pay attention to my wisdom; lend your ear to my understanding.  What follows is some outstanding perspectives that will arm a man for living in an immoral society.  Peter indicates knowledge comes before self-control. 

1 comment:

svenpandas said...

Thanks rn. Lots of need to control "selfies" these days!