Saturday, February 22, 2020

Luke 24:5-7, 25-27, 44-45, Jesus Opens up His Word

Saturday, at the end of our time in Israel, has two primary events.  First, attending Jerusalem Assembly.  Then, a visit to the Garden Tomb.  Luke’s gospel, in the final chapter, emphasizes these two things.  Yes, the resurrection.  But then twice Jesus opens up the OT Scriptures and teaches how they speak of Him. 

We need this.  We need the daily remembrance that we have died with Christ and been raised to live a now life.  Resurrection life!  What a blessing we have in Christ.  Then regular instruction in the Word of God, showing things of Christ from cover to cover. 

Our Friday was incredibly day.  Here’s a list of events with brief comment, if any.

·        A walk down Jaffa St. and along the western walls of the Old City, to Jaffa Gate.

·        Christ Church, the oldest protestant church in the Middle East.

·        Walking through the Armenian Quarter.

·        Zion Gate, with it’s pock marks from battles fought there.

·        The Upper Room, an ornate room in the area of the actual room where the early believers gathered to pray until the Spirit came on them in power.

·        David’s tomb (a memorial to David, not the actually burial place).

·        The Dormition Abbey, an impressive structure with a sarcophagus in the basement where Mary was supposedly buried.

·        6 pieces of baklava. 

·        The Cardo, the main street of Jerusalem in Roman times.

·        The Madaba Map, a mosaic map that showed at the earliest time, the presence of Jerusalem.

·        A Byzantine arch.

·        Hyrva Synagogue, rebuilt for the second time after the Jordanians were forced out of the Jewish Quarter.

·        The Temple Institute, which had no tour openings today, but gave us opportunity to talk about these people who are preparing for the next temple.

·        People had time to shop. 

·        The Defenders Memorial, of those who tried to defend the Jewish Quarter in 1948.

·        Jerusalem Archaeology Park with a myriad of mikvehs’ (ceremonial baptism pools), the steps up to the Hulda Gates from which Peter may have preached in Ac. 2, the pile of rocks that illustrated Jesus’ words in Mt. 24:1ff, that not one stone would be left upon another after the destruction of 70ad, the pinnacle of the temple.  We read the Acts passage.

·        Waiting for our ride to Bethlehem.  The traffic on Thursday is horrendous, Muslims leaving Al Aqsa Mosque and the Jews preparing for the Shabbath.

·        Shepherds Fields in Beit Lahor, near Bethlehem.

·        A visit with friends, the Zogby’s, who serve the Lord in Bethlehem.

·        A visit to the well from which David’s men went by night and got him a drink.  These are anything but glorious cisterns.

As you can see, a very busy day.  But with blessings as I am sure you can imagine.

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