Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus Tempted (2)

The temptations in the wilderness were the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry.  As we noted yesterday, wilderness experiences were not uncommon in preparation of God’s people for service.

The SW corner of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount, 
considered by many to be the "pinnacle of the temple" from Matt. 4.
The temptations were also the fulfilling of Jesus’ earthly ministry.  Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost.  This means that He must be the qualified Lamb of God that can bear the sins of the world.  The primary qualification is that the Lamb be without blemish.  He is not the “innocent” Lamb, especially if we understand “innocence” as never having any connection with the power of sin.  Sin must be engaged and defeated.  The Lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Pt. 1:19) must be face to face with blemishes and spots.  He must face off against Satan in order to destroy him who had the power of death (Heb. 1:14).  In order to help those who are tempted He must Himself endure temptation (Heb. 1:18).  Thus He is not the innocent Lamb but is the tested and proven righteous and perfect Lamb of God whose blood is precious, of sufficient value to satisfy the demands of the sinner. 

In light of this Hebrews tells us He was tempted in all points as we are (Heb. 4:15).  He faced everything that was thrown at humanity in the Garden of Eden.  He faced up to everything that is in the world. 

1 John 2:16
Genesis 3:6
Matthew 4
Lust of the eyes
pleasant to the eyes
Lust of the flesh
good for food
Pride of life
desirable to make wise

Some wonder, “Did Christ really experience the full force of temptation?”  After all, if He was God, does this not mean that, in the end, He could not sin?  And if He could not sin, could He really be tempted?  This is a tough question for the theologians it seems.  But I do not believe it is difficult for the one who is simply seeking to understand and accept what the Bible tells us.  We answer the question YES!  He did experience the full force of temptation because the Bible tells us He did.  You should sense the strength of the battle in the wilderness.  But if you need an even stronger picture of Christ under the attack of Satan, go to Gethsemane where He sweat drops of blood as He prayed and prayed in the greatest peirazo event in history (Jn. 12:27; Lk.22:39-46).  And we can say confidently that Jesus faced greater intensity of temptation because He never gave in to the temptation.  Temptation ceases when we yield to it.  Jesus never did; thus His struggle was greater than ours.

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