Monday, October 14, 2019

Sunday, Oct. 13, Titus 2:11-14

Being Sunday we began our day with a brief but wonderful time of worship in a room at the guest where we are staying.  We have songbooks from the Garden Tomb so we sang a few of those songs.  Then we shared together Titus 2:11-14.  I hope you read it.  We are going to try to memorize it while on our trip.  It speaks of the “appearing of the grace of God.”  Our time in Israel should confirm this for us if nothing else: that God’s grace did make a clear and concrete appearance, at a real time and place in history, when the One who was with God and who was God made His dwelling among us, as one of us!  We are looking for the “blessed hope” of His return, this Jesus who IS our Great God and Savior.  The truth that He came once is a strong encouragement as we await the second coming.


Here is the itinerary for Sunday with brief comment and a photo or two.  At most stops we read related Scripture as we approach or left the site.

·        4/5 Valleys of the “Shephela” (Lowlands).  Each of these valleys yields a route that will take you from the lowland up to Jerusalem.

o   Josh. 10:1-14: Ayalon. Where the sun stood still.

o   Judges 16:4-20: Sorek. Stories of Samson took place in this area.  The Sorek River actually begins in the area of Jerusalem and the path of the older train (there is a new high speed train now) winds up through this valley.

o   1 Sam. 17:1-58; 21:9: Elah. Where David slew Goliath.  Yes, we stopped to see if we could find a flat stone in the brook; but alas, too many tourists have come before us and there is nothing much left but ancient gravel from back in the early 2000’s.

o   2 Chr. 14:9-15: Zephetah.  See Beit Guvrin below.

o   2 Ki. 14:9-15: Lachish.  See Tel Lachish below.

·        Beit Guvrin Nat’l Park .  This is the first time we had time to spend here.  There are ancient burial caves and the “bell caves” which were formed when stone was being quarried from the area.  Marasheh was a leading city of this area in Canaanite times and in periods of Israel’s history. 

o   Marasheh, 2 Chron. 14:9-15; Jer. 26:18; Mic. 1:1:

o   Southern Conquest (Josh. 10:40-41)

·        Hebron: Going to the cave of Machpelah has become a favorite stop of mine.  We had time to reflect on the faithfulness of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and on the great example of “pilgrimage” they give to us.  God promised.  When they died they had received little of what was promised but they trusted in the eternal God who would long outlive them and would bring to pass all He promised.  Our lives are like this.  We will die, trusting God for what will come the instant we cross over into eternity.

o   Abraham:

§  Oakes of Mamre (Gen. 13:18; 18:1)

§  Machpelah Cave (Gen. 23:17-20)

o   Valley of Eshcol (Num. 13:23)

o   Caleb (Josh. 14:6-15; 15:13-19)

o   Samson (Jud. 16:1-3)

o   David (2 Sam. 5:5)

·        Tel Lachish: Micah 1:8-16; 2 Ki. 18:13-17; 2 Kings 14:19.  First time at this stop.  This site was developed in the early 1900’s.  We sat atop the tel of this leading city and pointed out the various cities around the area (Ziklag, Gath, Marasheh and so forth.  Lachish was the leading city in bringing idolatry into the Judean kingdom.  Micah predicted her destruction by the Assyrians.  It was the last stop for Assyria until they came to the gates of Jerusalem.  In spite of their arrogance, and because of their arrogance, they never entered the gates of Jerusalem and their army was decimated.  It was the beginning of the end of the Assyrian empire.

·        Khirbet al-Ra’I (Ziklag; 1 Sam. 24:4-7)

·        5 Cities of the Philistines: Josh. 13:3. What are they?  You should know! 😊

What a great first day of actual touring.  And did I mention that at the end we arrived at the old port area of Joppa had had a great seafood dinner together.  Thanks Lord for the opportunity.

1 comment:

Miss Doris said...

Alley church was also in Titus 2:11-14 this Sunday. Purely coincidentally.