Saturday, May 11, 2019

1 Thess. 1:8; Mt. 22:1-14, An Evangelistic Church

The Thessalonian Church was regenerate (v1-2), mature (v3-4), genuine (v5) and connected (v5-7).  In v8 we see they are evangelistic.  They were involved in a PERSONAL CHRIST-LIKE WORLDWIDE PROCLAMATION INVASION

·        Proclamation.  They were sounding forth the word of the Lord.  That is what evangelism is: the preaching of the gospel.  This same term is used in Matt. 22:10 when it said they go out to the highways and declare.  This is a prediction of Christ that the gospel, when rejected by the Jews, would go to the Gentiles.  The Thessalonians were part of this proclamation.

·        Invasion. Sounding forth indicates this was a church that was not ingrown but reaching out.  This is the Great Commission: to GO into the world, GOING to make disciples of all nations.  Paul never said to stay away from the sinners in the world but only those who brought their sin into the church (1 Cor. 5:10).

·        Worldwide.  The Great Commission is given to the Church, to local churches, and it extends to the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8).  Look at the progression: from Jerusalem to Judea (their province) to Samaria (the next province) to the ends of the earth.  Do you see how this worked in Thessalonica?  The Thessalonians impacted Macedonia (their province) and Achaia (the province next door) and every place (beyond the immediate borders towards the ends of the earth.

·        Personal.  The passage says their faith had gone out.  Look at how the gospel went out in other passages.  After the raising of the ruler’s daughter news of this spread through all that region (Mt. 9:26).  After the healing of a blind man and a mute they went out and spread the news about him all over that region (Mt. 9:31).  The same thing happened after driving an evil spirit from a man (Mk. 1:28), the healing of a leper (Mk. 1:45) and the raising of the son of the widow of Nain (Lk. 7:17).  It happened spontaneously and personal testimony predominated.  This is what happened in Thessalonica: the news spread about what Christ meant to them.

·        Christ-like.  Jesus said as the Father has sent me, I am sending you (Jn. 20:21).  How did the Father send Christ?  The following verses have the same word as went out in 1 Thess. 1:8. 

o   Jn. 8:42: As Christ was sent, so are we.  Evangelism is the ministry of Christ.

o   John 16:27-28: We are sent into the world.  Like the Incarnate Christ who came into the world so we must enter the world.

o   John 19:17: Jesus carried His cross out to Golgotha, to the place where He was lifted up for all to see.  So we must go to Him outside the camp (Heb. 13:13), bearing the disgrace He bore. 

In terms of Christ-likeness, Jesus ministered in the power of the Spirit (Lk. 4:14).  We cannot do this in the flesh but only in the Spirit (Ac. 1:8). 

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