Friday, February 8, 2019

Phil. 1:19-26; Matt. 16:24-27, Keys to Joy (3)

·        A fourth observation we can make as to why Paul rejoiced while in a Roman prison was that he had a deep desire to edify the Church (v22-26).  The NT Epistles make this point clearly.  Christ is building His Church (Matt. 16:18).  Thus we are to do all things to edify the Church (Rom. 15:2; 1 Cor. 14:26; 2 Cor. 12:19, etc.).  Paul was concerned for the Philippians’ progress and joy of faith (v25).  Paul was in sync with Christ.

Thus Paul was full of joy because he had a bond-slave mentality, an experience of fellowship, a commitment to advancing the gospel of Christ and a commitment to the edification of the Church.  But we can summarize it all by what Paul says in 1:19-21.  Those verses define a man who recognizes that his Master, who is supremely good, has life and death authority over him.  In a nutshell the key to joy is: for me to live is Christ; and to die is gain.

o   What does Paul mean by “gain”?  The word means advantage or profit, the opposite of loss.  In Matt. 16:25-26 Jesus speaks of true gain or profit as occurring when we lose our life for His sake.  He gives us back true life, the life God always intended for those created in His image.  That is why it makes sense to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.

o   How does Paul illustrate this?  In 1:19-20 you see a man who has taken up his cross and followed Christ.  He has a whether by life or by death approach to life.  We see this again in Phil. 3:7-8 when Paul says the things he used to consider gain he now considers loss.  And the reason for this change is bound up in the words, “for Christ.”
Paul is not suicidal.  He does not have “poor self-esteem.”  He has Christ, his Lord and Savior, the One who gave His life for him.  Here are some things we are encouraged to gain, things that Paul calls fruit from my labor (v22).  They tell us what is truly valuable in this life.

§  Matt. 18:15: Instead of going through life offended all the time we will seek to gain the offended brother.

§  Matt. 25:17,20: We will gain future reward through faithful ministry.

§  1 Cor. 9:19-22: We will live in meekness and discretion to win the lost.

§  1 Peter 3:1: We will submit to others so as to win them to Christ.

When I quote Phil. 1:21 I need to know that this is not just a matter of mental focus or mystical admiration.  To live is Christ means my life is wrapped up in what He is doing.  Since He is building His Church then I, His bond-slave, am committed to the edification of His Church.  If He commanded us to make disciples in all nations then I am committed to advancing the gospel.  If He has told us to love one another as I have loved you then I am committed to the fellowship of believers.  I cannot claim Phil. 1:21 if my life goals and daily schedule is not in sync with these things.  And if I am not in sync with Christ, then I will not have joy in prison!

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