Tuesday, August 7, 2018

John 19:25-27; Matt. 27:32-44

If the drawings to the left are accurate then the things that Jesus said from the cross could be heard and He could hear the mockery.  Crosses that left the dying criminal at about eye-level, planted on the side of the road, made this a powerful experience for all who were there.
There was a good sized crowd of on-lookers at the cross that day, as well as the multitude passing by.  And a crowd was still there when Jesus committed His spirit to His Father (Lk. 23:48).  The soldiers and centurion were at the cross (Lk. 23:36,47).  Only one of the Twelve, John, is named as being there (Jn. 19:26) although the others could have been there.  And of course, the women who had followed Jesus and been blessed by His ministry, they were there, including His mother (Jn. 19:25).  The women would be there, watching carefully, until the body was in the tomb and the stone rolled in front of the door. 

Third: Woman, behold your son! Behold your mother!         

This is not merely a family matter, with Jesus the oldest Son making provision for His mother after His death.  Jesus was going to live again and He knew it.  To understand what is happening let us remember the mother and Son relationship.
   ·        Lk, 2:41-50: In the temple, when Jesus was age twelve, it is clear Mary did not fully understand who Jesus was or how He would live His life on earth.
   ·        John 2:1-12: Jesus did not consider the hour for His public ministry to begin until released by His mother.  Joseph was apparently dead by this time.
   ·        Matt. 12:46-50: When Jesus was popular but dealing with opposition, Mary and the rest of the family came to take Jesus home.  Jesus’ answer showed the change in relationship and the need that even Mary had to be born again.
   ·        Acts 1:13-14: After the resurrection Mary, with Jesus’ earthly brothers, would be part of the 120 who gathered to pray before Pentecost.  She would become, by faith, a member in the Body of Christ, the Church.

What happened at the cross was not merely a family issue.  He gave John responsibility because Jesus was not only going to be resurrected; Jesus will build His Church.  Mary will be a part of that Church as anyone else: through faith in Jesus Christ.  She will receive the promised Holy Spirit, the blessing of the New Covenant.  Her Son will be her Savior!  There are no exceptions in all of humanity when it comes to the question, who needs a Savior from sin?

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