Thursday, January 19, 2017

Isaiah 51:1-16 (v10-13)

Israel’s future includes a time of great affliction because of her sin.  But God has been seeking to comfort Israel.  The affliction is not the end.  There will be restoration not only of the land but of the heart.  As today’s passage indicates, it involves God’s salvation and righteousness (vs.5,6,8).  God speaks to those who follow after righteousness (v1) and who know righteousness (v7).  They need to know that no matter how bleak the situation, God will not fail!

·        v1-2: They need to remember Abraham and Sarah whom God increased.  Having a child in their old age seemed impossible; but God did it.
·        v3-4: So God will also comfort Israel in 2 ways: revitalizing the land and sending forth law (not the Mosaic Law but God’s divine law for all people). 

·        v5-6: His righteousness and salvation will be near, meaning available.  And in addition, His salvation and righteousness will be forever, even though the earth vanishes or grows old.  Remember the words of Christ: Heaven and earth may pass away but My words will not pass away (Mt. 24:35).
·        v7-8: Likewise, God’s righteousness and salvation will be effective for every generation as they come and go.  Not only is God’s word eternal in the heavens; it is effective in the ever-changing context of human events.

·        v9-11: Therefore the cry goes out for the arm of the LORD to awake, awake!  Having been called to remember the ancient days, so those who follow after righteousness are encouraged in their faith by God’s work of old.  Both Rahab and the serpent refer to mythical sea monsters (cf. Isa. 30:7 where Rahab refers to Egypt; Job 7:12; 26:13) tamed by God.  The drying up of the sea refers to the Exodus.

·        v12-16: Thus God speaks boldly to the righteous: I am the LORD your God! (v15)  He asks two questions:  Why do you fear men who will die (v12)?  Why do you forget the LORD your Maker (v13a)?  The times are furious (v13), a reference to extreme wrath. But God says Israel’s oppressor, whoever it is, is no match for the LORD of Hosts.  God will even bring into being the new heavens and earth that He might have the relationship He desires with His people (v16).
Now let us consider this.  First, Israel’s restoration is tied to the faithfulness of God.  Further Israel’s restoration is not simply to a revitalized land; it involves the righteousness of God.  As Abraham, looking to the Messiah, believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness, so Israel will find righteousness by faith in the Son of Abraham, the Messiah.  

Let us also hear God’s pleading with Israel.  Do not fear men nor forget God.  Plead with Him on the basis of His past works; this is an important aspect to our faith as we pray.  And remember that God’s salvation and righteousness is forever! 

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