Friday, December 25, 2015

Who is the “Prince of Persia?” (Daniel 10:10-21)

Some time back there was an ad on the telly (British for a big waste of time) for “The Prince of Persia.”  It was either for the game or movie by the same name.  I have no idea of the plot of the movis; none of which matters.  The point is, when I saw the ad, I immediately said, “I know who that is.  It’s Satanic, demonic.”  The Bible speaks of this “prince”.  Here’s the scoop.

The story is in Daniel 10.  Daniel was in mourning and prayer three weeks (v2) when an angel showed up (v5).  He told Daniel his prayer had been heard from the first but he (the angel) was delayed because he was withstood 21 days by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (v13).  After delivering God’s message to Daniel the angel would fight some more with both the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece (v20).  The angel had no one to help him except Michael, your prince.

In Daniel Persia and Greece are #2 and 3 of the great world empires (Babylon, Medo/Persia, Greece, Rome) that would rule Israel during “the times of the Gentiles” (see our 12/12/15 blog).  These “princes” are demonic powers behind the thrones or kingdoms.  The Bible indicates demons are angels who fell with Satan when he was cast out of heaven.  (For further study: Isa. 14:12-15 speaks of his fall; Ezek. 28:11-19 speaks of Satan as the king of Tyre, the city/state that united the ancient world in a greed-based economic system.)

If you wonder about all this, battles of powerful spirit-being in the heavens and demonic powers behind earthly kingdoms, just read Eph. 1:20-21; 2:2; 6:12.  It is very real and very intense.  We do not see it though the Bible says there will come a time when this battle in the heavens will in fact move to become the battle on the earth (Rev. 12:7-12).

Now we would do well to consider what this means to us.  Believe me, to relegate this to a video game or Hollywood movie is not wise.  The reference to Michael is critically important.  Michael is a chief prince (10:13), also called Daniel’s prince (10:21).  By Daniel’s prince it means he is Israel’s prince.  As the evil empires have demonic princes, so the nation of God’s choosing has an angelic prince.  In Rev. 12:7, in the great battle of the latter days (and Daniel 10:14-15 says the message delivered to Daniel is about Israel’s latter days) Israel’s prince Michael and his angels will fight the dragon (Satan) and will prevail.  God will be faithful in delivering His people Israel in their darkest hour.

Then there’s Michael, rowing a boat ashore.  Ever hear that?  The song “Michael Row(ed) the Boat Ashore” is a Negro Spiritual from Civil War days, sung by freed slaves who recognized their deliverance by God.  So recognize 1) who is the real enemy of believers (Satan, spiritual forces of darkness); and 2) the ability of the Almighty God to deliver His people.  Don’t pray to angels; that’s idolatry.  But thank God whose mysterious ways include His ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14).

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