Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ephesians 2:1-10

Ephesians is concerned with assuring the Gentile believers at Ephesus of their full standing with God.  The ultimate goal is that all believers in heaven and on earth be brought under Christ (1:10).  The blessings belong to the first believers (from Judaism) and to those who came later (Gentiles, 1:12-13).  

          This passage shows how the great power of God seen in Christ (1:19-23) was at work among believers to raise them from the dead and seat them in the heavenly places.  It is a classic testimony in that it speaks of the believer’s life before Christ, how the believer is saved, and the life he lives after faith in Christ.

¨     The old walk, 2:1-3.
          We are introduced here to a very important word in Ephesians: walk.  In chapters 4-6 the Apostle Paul will speak more about our new walk in Christ, in very specific ways.  For now this walk is spoken of in a general way.  The heart of man always dictates his walk or lifestyle.  In v2 it is the walk of those who are dead in trespasses and sins; in v10 it is the walk of those who are in Christ.  The intervening verses explain how God brings about the change of heart.
·        They were spiritually dead, 2:1.  This means they were unable to make any move spiritually.  They were not mostly dead (as in Princess Bride) but totally dead in trespasses (missteps) and sins (missing the target).
·        They walked according to the course of this world, 2:2a.  1 John 2:16 identifies the course as materialistic, hedonistic and self-centered.
·        They walked according to Satan, 2:2b.  He orchestrates the world system from his place in the air (he was cast out of heaven and thus is no longer in the heavenly places) and by his influence on the people of earth who by their sinful nature are given to disobedience.
·        They walked according to the flesh, 2:3a.  They followed their natural desires, making choices based on those desires.     
·        They were children of wrath 2:3b.  As John 3:36 makes clear, those who do not have the Son are under the wrath of God.  Those who walk in this way show they are without the Son.

¨     The work of God, 2:4-9.
·        The nature of the God who works, 2:4.  Stand in awe of the magnificent words of v4.  Given the description of what we were before God saved us, the words But God are most welcome.  Dead people, who by definition can do nothing to move out of the wrath of God, need to know …
o   He is rich in mercy.  He has compassion on those who have been hurt, even when the wound is self-inflicted.
o   He is great in love.  To love is to give, to sacrifice, to meet the need of those who are hurting.  And God has no shortage of love.       

          Let us meditate on our wonderful God.  We were dead in trespasses and sins.  By His rich mercy and great love He has made us alive in Christ.

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