Friday, May 1, 2015

Genesis 24:1-29

Abraham has seen the promise of a son fulfilled; but for there to be descendants his son must have a wife.  And furthermore, the wife must fit God’s plan because that promise will be fulfilled through Isaac’s family.  It was not only Abraham who trusted God. Each significant individual believed that God had a good plan and purpose and they willingly accepted His provision.
·       The faith of Abraham, 24:1-9.  Abraham uses an obscure method to bind his servant to the task at hand.  (Some Jewish commentators relate the act in v2 to procreation, since this oath concerns the provision of future generations.)  He desires that Isaac have a wife who can travel the road of faith with him.  But Abraham knows this is God’s will, and thus is confident that God will lead (v7).
·       The faith of Abraham’s servant, 24:10-27.  Note how wonderfully this man sought the will of God.
o   v12-14: the first thing he did was pray, asking God for help.
o   v12-14: he asked God for a sign that fit the situation.  A woman with the compassion and initiative the servant asked for would be a wonderful wife.  The priority was for a godly woman, not a beautiful woman (though he got one, v16).
o   v14: he believed God had a woman in mind.  This shows the servant’s trust in God’s covenant with Abraham.
o   v26-27: God’s answer was immediate and the servant responds in the only logical manner: he worshiped God.  
·       The faith of Rebekah, 24:28-60.  Her faith is seen in how quickly she moves to be part of God’s plan.  She runs home to tell the family.  And when the decision must be made, though her family hesitates (v55) Rebekah is unflinching: “I will go” (v58).
·       The faith of Isaac, 24:61-67.  Rebekah comes to him during a time of meditation, a time of waiting on God (v63).  He gladly accepts God’s provision, loving her and being devoted to her.
Abraham, the man of faith, had an influence on those around him so that they too trusted God day by day.   

Don’t miss the many applications to faith in this wonderful story: Abraham in his plan, the servant in seeking God’s will, Rebekah in her obedience, and Isaac in his receiving.

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