Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Good Man Who Was a Sinner

(#52, Hinkley 44; Yermo/Hinkley/Kelso 1950; Imperial 1955)
 Read Isaiah 6:1-9.

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Pr. 29:18.

Isaiah's vision can be characterized by five C's.

Conviction of sin, 6:1-4.
Isaiah was a good man in comparison to the people about him.  Isaiah was a sinful man in contrast to the holiness of God in the vision.  To whom do we compare ourselves (2 Cor. 10:12)?  Our goodness compared to God's holiness is as filthy rags.

Confession of sin, 6:5.
This confession is not to be merely a conscience easer but a true confession with a turning from.  "I have sinned" is the cry of David, Job, Saul and the prodigal son.
When we are ready to confess that we have sinned we are ready to come to Christ.

Cleansing from sin, 6:6.
There was an altar by the throne where sacrifice for sin was made.  Christ was that sacrifice (John 1:29; Hb. 10:9-10; 9:26-29).

Commitment of self, 6:8.
Many go as far as the cleansing from sin but do not commit themselves to the Lord.  Rom. 6:13.  Is your all on the altar?

Commission to go, 6:9.

Paul said that he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.  We too need to live out of a vision of God.  Our time in God's Word provides an opportunity to meet God

There will be a time in the future when there will be no altar but the throne of judgment.  It will be too late for the altar of cleansing.

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