Friday, December 6, 2024

Read Isa. 65:1-16, Chapter by Chapter, Isaiah 65-66 (8)

·       65:1-16: The “new wine” is not the best wine.  The best is aged.  But the LORD says that the new wine has a blessing, and in the same way, the Gentiles receiving salvation will also have a blessing.  Jesus referred to the New Covenant as “new wine” in His answer to a question about fasting (Mk. 2:18-22).  Paul quoted the first 2 verses of this passage, applying v1 to the Gentiles (Rom. 10:21) and v2 to the Jewish nation (Rom. 10:22).  In other words, both Jesus and Paul understood that this passage in Isaiah was fulfilled in Israel’s partial blindness until the full number of Gentiles is saved (Rom. 11:25.  Israel’s forsaking the LORD (v11) and judgment (v13) would result in God’s blessing on the nations, His new servants (v13-14).  This new entity would be called by another name (v16; the Church, Jesus’ ekklesia or assembly, Mt. 16:18).

·       65:17-25: But eventually these “troubles” (revolving around Israel’s blindness) will be forgotten (v16) because God will create a new heaven and earth (v17), a time when Jerusalem rejoices (v18-19), a time of prosperity (v20-23) and peace (v24-25).  In this context it seems that Isaiah is referring to the Messianic Kingdom when the curse will be lifted and God will rule directly through His Son, the LORD of righteousness. 

·       66:1-2: This may all seem impossible to Israel but God assures that He is able to do this, and that those with a contrite heart (in all ages) will experience the blessing of His attention.

·       66:3-4: His eyes will not be on those who choose their own way.

·       66:5-13: The LORD will not fail to keep His word to Zion.  This is the fundamental truth to take from Isa. 40-66. 

·       66:14-17: Furthermore, the judgment of all flesh will come.  Israel has been judged by the LORD and has experienced “double” for her sins.  But after the judgment that begins with the house of God, all flesh will give account (1 Pt. 4:17).

·       66:18-21: Furthermore, the time will also come when the Gentiles will, in fact, come to worship the LORD in Jerusalem.

·       66:22-24: This is the time of what Isaiah calls the new heavens and earth.  All flesh will worship.  The rest who transgressed will rot in hell/Gehenna (spoken of by Jesus Himself, Mark 9:44,46,48).



Ideas for memorization: 66:1-2,10.

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