Thursday, November 28, 2024

Read Isa. 40:1-17, Chapter by Chapter, Isaiah 40-41 (1)

(Now, for the next little while, we are going to encourage you to read Isa. 40-66.  Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US.  What better day to spend in Isa. 40.  I encourage you to set aside time for more lengthy readings than usual, not just the assigned passage but the entirety of the parts of Isaiah we are covering.)

Isaiah in the OT is certainly one of my favorite portions of Scripture.  We have produced booklets on Isa. 1-39 and 40-66.  There is a wonderful “flow” to Isaiah that is often missed, in my view.  This is especially true in the latter half of the prophecy where, in my view, we have one continuous message.  Isa. 40 sets the stage for all that follows.  The main themes are that Israel is complaining that God has forgotten them, but God replies that He has not forgotten.  The reason for Israel’s time of trial is not that God was too weak to stand up to the gods of the nations but that Israel had been sinful and was being chastened by God.  But God would fulfill all His promises for Israel’s salvation.  They needed to patiently wait, because it would happen.  When you come to Luke 2, and Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna and Simeon, you are meeting people who were still waiting for the Lord’s promise to be fulfilled.

What we are about to embark on is a chapter-by-chapter summary of Isa. 40-66 in an attempt to show the interconnectedness of Isaiah.  We hope you find this helpful as you read through the entire section.  The daily readings are not a substitute for reading all of Isaiah.  It is so glorious and, by application, has so much encouragement for Christians. 

·       40:1-11: God commands Israel to be comforted.  Get ready: Israel’s God is coming, to rule, and to care for His flock.

·       40:12-14: God is fully capable to do this.

·       40:15-17: The nations cannot keep God from this.

·       40:18-26: To whom will you liken God?  No idol can stand in His way.  No great people of earth (as in Ps. 2:1-3) can stop Him.  God is the creator of all things!

·       40:27-31: So, Israel, why do you complain that God has forgotten you? He is not worn out as you think.  You just need to wait until His time!

·       41:1-4: To the coastlands (nations, Gentiles) God says: “I am the first and last.”

·       41:5-7: The coastlands saw and feared the Assyrians (37:8-13).

·       41:8-20: But I will protect Israel, my servant (from the present time of the Assyrians until the time of the Messiah.

·       41:21-29: So trust Me; don’t trust in worthless idols.


Ideas for memorization: 40:6-8, 10-11, 25-26, 28, 31; 41:10

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