Friday, April 28, 2023

Romans 10:11-17, Faith vs. presumption (7)

ii)      The relationship of faith to a few other major truths of Scripture.

(1)                        The relationship of faith to LOVE

(a) Gal. 5:6: Faith energizes love.  It’s a simple thought.  Our love increases as we see God’s love in Scripture and as we are taught love from Scripture.  As we trust God, love increases.  Some would say love becomes more radical or creative.

(b)            1 Cor. 13:2: Love without faith is nothing.  It is not really love.

(c) James 2:14-17: Faith without love is also a big nothing.  Meditate on these passages and yield to the Spirit’s promptings as to how you tread other people.

(2)                        The relationship of faith to WORKS or OBEDIENCE.

(a) Rom. 4:4-5: On one hand, we are justified by faith, not by works.  Not by works of righteousness which we have done (Titus 3:5).  Not by works lest anyone should boast (Eph. 2:8-9). 

(b)            James 2:26: On the other hand, if faith does not produce works then that faith is dead.  There is no way to “show” our faith but by the works of love it produces.

(3)                        The relationship of faith to the WORD of God (Rom. 10:17).  As we study “faith” we may say, “I wish I had more or stronger faith.”  That prayer is answered when we open ourselves up to God’s word. 

(a) If you will look at the context of this verse you will see that the “word of God” is a reference to Scripture.  In other words it is not some thought that comes to you out of the blue that you attribute to God.  Romans 10 is full of references to the Old Testament, the “Scripture” of the day.  It is the gospel (10:15), the report of the prophet (10:16).  This is a universal principle of Scripture: Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God

You may say, given the context, that this is only talking about the Gospel.  That is true.  But wait, what is the gospel?  It is not only the word of God that brought us life in Christ when we first believed; it is the word in which we stand through the rest of our lives (1 Cor. 15:1).  The Gospel involves the death and resurrection of Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4).  The life we live from that point on also involves the gospel.  It is the life of one who has been crucified with Christ and raised with Christ to new life (Rom. 6:1-11).  We live a “gospel centered life” until the day we are in the presence of Christ.  So don’t bemoan your lack of faith.  Make time in the word of God your daily discipline.  Hide His word in your heart so you have it available every step of every day’s walk.

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