Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Matt. 17:1-6, Attentiveness vs. unconcern (2)

a)    Continuing, why is attentiveness important in life?

iii)            So we can develop attentiveness to God.

(1)                        28:9: whoever turns his ear from the Law, his prayer is an abomination.  A Christian who will not regularly seek God in His word is not being attentive to God.  That is how God speaks to us. 

(2)                        Both the illustrations speak to this issue.  Eli taught Samuel attentiveness by teaching him to answer the LORD as His “servant.”  In the Transfiguration we understand that Christ deserves our best ear because He is God’s beloved Son.

iv) So we can be in the will of God.

(1)                        Prov. 1:8; 3:1; 4:1; 5:1-2; 7:1-3,24; 13:1: All of these are in the context of discipline.

(2)                        Prov. 19:27; 23:22f: Even in old age, attentiveness is required.

b)    How can children be taught attentiveness in the home?  Here is an answer involving 3 Biblical principles of teaching.

(1)                        RESPONSIBILITY

(a) Children must be responsible to be attentive.  In other words, “I didn’t hear what you said” is not an acceptable excuse for bad behavior.

(b)            God does this.  Study Romans 1:18ff.  Man is without excuse, even if he doesn’t hear what “creation” is saying. 

(c) A few simple rules can help, such as: giving instructions only once; speaking calmly (not teaching children to only listen with you speak with volume); and don’t be intimidated by “I didn’t hear.”

(2)                        RESPECT

(a) Home-life should teach respect for all members of the household, including the children.

(b)            There should be a “one at a time” rule for conversations; one speaks and the others are listening.

(c) Challenge degrading remarks about others, including when they are part of “sibling rivalry.”

(3)                        EXAMPLE

(a) Set the example for attentiveness, when talking with your spouse, your children and to God. 

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