Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Isaiah 14:12-21, More Miscellany!

In Isa. 14:12-21 we see that Satan demonstrates the faithfulness of God.  Like every other prophecy, the one about Satan will be fulfilled.  In Isaiah Satan is associated with Babylon, the coming world empire.  In Ezekiel 28:13-17 he is associated with Tyre, the world’s economic power.

Isa. 14:21 is interesting: “lest they rise up and possess the land, and fill the face of the world with cities.”  This is still in the context of Lucifer/Satan.  “Cities” are part of Satan’s diabolical plan.  It’s pretty hard not to see that.  I checked other translations and they are all in agreement.

So what’s the problem with cities?  Or better, how do cities help Satan’s cause?  Think back to Gen. 11 and the Tower of Babel.  God told the people of the world to scatter.  Instead they built a city in order not to scatter.  I really don’t think this should be a surprise to us.  Look around you.  Cities are filled with problems that rural areas don’t have.  Don’t misunderstand this.  Everyone is working from a sinful nature.  That is clear.  So there is sin in the country as well as in urban areas.  But for any number of reasons, sin is multiplied in the cities.

Further, from Satan’s point of view, since he is NOT omnipresent, cities allow him a better ability to control the masses. The problems in cities are why they regularly spawn “bedroom communities.”  People want to get away. 

What are the values of cities?  People will emphasize the greater opportunities, for shopping and entertainment and education and so forth.  But every one of these “opportunities” has the potential of being a distraction from our purpose as humans, which is to glorify God.  It’s something to think about. 


On an entirely different subject, look at John the Baptist’s question in Luke 7.  “Are you the coming One or do we look for another?”  Jesus’ answer?  Look at what you see!  Go, tell John about it!  The countless signs and wonders. 

Then, 7:23: And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.  Why would Jesus say this?  It’s because the pictures of “failure” were taking place.  John was in prison.  “Don’t stumble John!”  And you “disciples of John: don’t stumble!”  To think, as some do, that John already knew the answer, that the Christ was going to die and then be resurrected, that cannot be.  John is an OT prophet.  As Peter pointed out after the cross and resurrection, the OT prophets did not get this.  There is no indication or reason to believe that John knew about all of this.  His own imprisonment didn’t fit what he thought was supposed to happen.  John was a prophet (v26), and indeed, a special prophet (v27-28a).  But he who is least in the kingdom of God is still greater than John (v28b).

Christ is coming and will rule over a world kingdom of righteousness and peace.  Yes, HE IS COMING!  You may think there are pictures of failure all around.  No!  “Don’t stumble Ron!”  “Don’t stumble, followers of Christ!”

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