Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Daniel 1:11-21; Psalm 73:25-28, Who is your Portion? (3)

 One of the things we learn from the Bible books that deal with the Babylonian Captivity, is how to deal with pagan governments.  We continue today to live in “the times of the Gentiles.”  For Israel, they first learned this under the Babylonians, and then, as we will see in Dan. 2, under the Persians, Greeks and Romans.  I say they learned this.  Actually, they were taught this.  What we see in the Gospels is that the Jews of the day never did learn how to live for God under the Romans.  But if you look at Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, you see people of God who have accepted what God is doing through their “lords” and who are able to live under their authority.

In today’s reading, note that Daniel sought permission, he “requested” rather than coming with a demand (v8).  He respected Ashpenaz’s responsibility.  And he recognized the difficult position Ashpenaz would be in before Nebuchadnezzar (v10).  Daniel, very wisely, offered Ashpenaz a way out (v11-13).  Likely Daniel was confident God would bless.  But he needed to approach Ashpenaz in a way that kept him in the supervisory role.  Daniel was the one who was exercising faith in his God, not Ashpenaz.

The result was that the four young Israelites looked better and “fatter in flesh” (I love that line!) than those who ate the king’s food.  Remember, this was God’s doing in giving them favor with Ashpenaz (1:9).  You will see this throughout the book of Daniel, that God was working in the government of Babylon, through the faithful men who resolved to walk in obedience.  Thus, they had favor with God (v17) as well as with the men around them (v18-21).  Perhaps this reminds you of Jesus: And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Lk. 1:52).

Before we leave this chapter, let us ask what does it mean to us?  What does it mean when we say, “My sufficiency is Christ?” 

·       Psalm 73:25-28: For Asaph (the Psalmist), it is no longer living in envy of the wicked.  His desires are not the lusts of this world; his desire, singular, is his God, the LORD.  Anything else is foolish and ignorant (73:22).

·       2 Cor. 9:7-11: For believers it is holding the things of this world lightly.  It is being generous in supporting the work of the Gospel.  Because we know when we give to the Lord, He is able to make all grace abound to us in return. 

·       Phil. 4:10-13: It is not being tied to a financial level or lifestyle.  It is knowing God will care for us in times of plenty as in times of little.  It is knowing whatever God desires of me, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

·       1 Tim. 6:6: It is knowing that godliness is what matters.  Godliness with contentment is great gain.  Daniel knew this.  This is not a NT doctrine.  It is the essence of living in honor of the God to whom we belong, the God who purchased us with the blood of His Son!  GOD IS MY PORTION!

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