Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Acts 6:1-7; 9:10-17; 13:1-3, Calling Believers Today

Jesus is still calling people to ministry today.  He is not physically present to do this as in Mt. 10:1-5.  But note how Jesus does this through …

·        The BIBLE.  Scripture tells us our general calling, to go into the world (including our families) to make disciples (Jn. 17:18; Mt. 28:16-20; Eph. 5,6).  Note how in Jesus’ commissioning in Mt. 28:16-20 He gave us His authority to make disciples (v18: All authority is given to me.  Therefore, go …). We also get specific instruction for ministry in the Bible (esp. the Pastoral Epistles but also in all the Epistles).  We ought not think that ministry today is different than in the early days of the Church.  The same gifts are still in operation (Rom. 12:6-8).  The same Trinity is producing fruit (1 Cor. 12:4-6).

·        The CHURCH.  Illustrations in the NT show that our brothers and sisters in Christ often initiate Christ’s call and should always confirm Christ’s call to ministry.  Jesus very powerfully called Paul on the road to Damascus.  Yet, a fellow-believer Ananias was essential to Jesus’ call of Paul as well. 

·        CIRCUMSTANCES.  I mention this so I can say that the role or circumstances to our calling is somewhat negligible.  Having an open door before us (i.e. an easy fit) doesn’t necessarily that is where Christ is leading (study 2 Cor. 2:12-13 on this).  Conversely, closed doors (the presence of difficulties or hardship) do not necessarily mean we should turn away (again check out 1 Cor. 16:9).  If Timothy would have been led by his personality to do what came naturally, he would never have become the man God used in Paul’s ministry.  He was fearful, timid.  This is the case with each of us.  More important than circumstances is …

·        The HOLY SPIRIT.  Why did Paul move on when a door was open?  Why did Paul move in when he was warned of trouble?  Why did Ananias go and talk to Saul/Paul (Acts 9) when he knew Saul had come to town to persecute Christians?  Why did Paul, Silas and Timothy not go to Bithynia but to Macedonia instead (Acts 16)?  In all these and many others situations the reason was not mere circumstances.  It was because they were in tune with the Spirit of God.  There can be no substitute for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in calling, equipping, instructing and leading us in service for Christ.

Let us …

     Pray the Lord of the Harvest so send more laborers, Mt. 9:35-38.

     Recognize we are all called into Jesus’ ministry, Mt. 28:19-20.

     Be filled with the Holy Spirit, Eph. 5:18.

     Have the attitude of Isaiah: “Here am I, send me,” Isa. 6:8.

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