Monday, September 16, 2019

Read 1 Pt. 1:10-12; 2 Pt. 1:16-21; 3:1-2, 14-16, The Authority of the Bible (3)

2)    Jesus had an absolute reliance on the Bible.

Before we see this point in Scripture let us answer the obvious question many people have.  They ask, “Wasn’t Jesus only talking about the Old Testament?  After all, that’s the only Scripture He had.”  Jesus, like His Apostles, was in the process of ‘making Scripture,’ if you will.  But furthermore, Jesus made it clear that His Disciples (meaning the Twelve, the Apostles, of which Paul made a clear claim that he was one of those Apostles) would have the same “Scripture writing” ability from God that the various prophets had in former days.  See this in John 16:13-15.  He is speaking to the Twelve in the upper room.  And if you have any question that this is what Jesus was promising them, just read Peter’s letters.  Did you see in today’s reading how Peter spoke of the prophets side-by-side with himself and the others as Apostles, including Paul (2 Pt. 3:14-16). 

a)    Jesus testified as to the authority of Scripture.  We have spoken of this recently, referring to passages such as Mt. 5:17-18 (not one jot or tittle … until all the Law be fulfilled); and Mt. 24:35 (My word shall not pass away); and again, John 10:35 (and the Scriptures cannot be broken).  He said everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms (Luke 24:44).  Thus He also said in Gethsemane that He would not call legions of angels to help Him or how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen way (Mt. 26:52-54).  Several times we hear Jesus say fulfilled.  That is a significant term when we are thinking about authority.  The point is that if it is said in the Bible then it is the Word of God and it will come to pass because God is always faithful to His word.  That is why it was so sad for John that no one was found to open the book, and why the hosts of heaven rejoiced when the Lamb was found who was worthy to open the book (Rev. 5).  It needed to be said.

b)    Jesus constantly used and quoted Scripture.

c)    Jesus confirmed many Old Testament stories as true.

d)    Jesus prepared the way for inspiration of the Apostles ahead of time (as we have noted; cf. Jn. 14:25-26; 16:12-13).

e)    Jesus often based arguments on a single expression.  He proved the fact of the resurrection with one quote in Mt. 22:32. Later, in the same chapter (vs. 43-45) He proved His deity with a reference to something many would miss in the words of David.

f)      Jesus recognized the Old Testament Scriptures as sufficient to lead a man to salvation (Luke 16:29).

Again, there is more to say in speaking to this issue.  But how powerful is it to hear the words of Jesus and see how He had such trust in every word of Scripture.  He recognized the authority of the word of God!

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