Friday, August 2, 2019

Phil. 2:19-24; 2 Tim. 3:10-11, Timothy’s Humility

(We are beginning a series of 'odds and ends' blogs, as we call them … blogs on a variety of topics.)
Paul commended Timothy for his like-mindedness, a quality that of necessity must characterize believers in Christ.  We cannot be HIS CHURCH without it (Phil. 1:27; 2:2).  Let us dwell on Timothy today so that we might dwell on Christ.

·        In what sense was Timothy was Timothy “like-minded” with Paul?  The word in Phil. 2:20 is actually “equal souled,” even as the term in 1:27 is “with one soul.”  It’s not just thinking alike; it is deeper than that.  2 Timothy 3:10-11 describes this: doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions and afflictions.  They were together in these things.

·         What kind of “care” was Paul expecting from Timothy?  The same term is used negatively in Phil. 4:6 as anxious.  It is defined positively in Phil. 2:3-4.  It is promoting the interests of others.  Timothy did this for Paul.  Timothy had no self-esteem issues but was happy to see Paul succeed as well as the believers at Philippi.

·        What made Timothy’s concern “sincere?”  The term means genuine, legitimate.  It demonstrated that Timothy was a legitimate son of God, not a bastard son, one who really was fathered by another.

·        In what sense did Timothy “seek”?  What are the “things of Christ?”  To “seek” is to zealously search; we would say he had passion or zeal.  The things of Christ are the Kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33), the things that fill our prayers (Mt. 7:7-8).  It is seeking Christ (Col. 3:1) and not the things of men (Gal. 1:10).  We have the same command in  1 Cor. 10:24: seek not your own but the well-being of others.

·        What was being proven in Timothy?  The NKJV says “character” but that word is not there.  Proven simply refers to the proof, proof that comes by trial.  Three time the Philippians had seen Timothy.  First in Ac. 16:13 after Paul chose him, as a young man.  Then in Ac. 19:22 on Paul’s third journey.  Then as part of the group taking the offering to Jerusalem (Ac. 20:3f).  They saw him enough to see the proof of sincerity.  Often today Christians are very private, not willing to allow others to see them often enough to see the flaws.

·        What kind of service did Timothy perform?  The simple answer is that this is the term douloo, bond slave.  He served as Paul did (Phil. 1:1), as Christ did (Phil. 2:7).  He could not have been “like minded” (equal souled) without this mind of Christ.  And neither can we!

When it comes to being conformed to the image of Christ we would do well to have Timothy as one of our examples.  We need churches that are full of Timothies.  By God’s grace and Spirit.

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