Thursday, February 14, 2019

Phil. 2:5-11, Mystical Union

Jesus asked, Who do people say that I the Son of Man am (Matt. 16:13)?  Peter gave a crisp, clear answer: The Christ, the Son of the Living God!  

This presents an important question: How can “the Son of Man” be “the Son of God”?  How can someone who is God be truly Man at the same time?  The wise men of Babylon said that the gods don’t dwell with flesh (Dan. 2:11).  In typical mythology when gods come to earth do have dealings with men they never ceased to be gods; they never truly became what we are.  The wisdom of this world cannot understand what Christians call the mystical union.  It is unquestionably deep, but it is an essential doctrine for on it rests the salvation of sinful men.  The passage before us explains, yes, explains, this mystery. 

We are first going to briefly answer some of the explanations that have presented throughout the centuries.  In what sense was Jesus the God-Man, the Word become Flesh (John 1:14), the Son of David and Son of God (Luke 1:32; Rom. 1:3-4)?  We want to review the wrong answers before we give the classic statement of orthodoxy.  We need to consider answers that deny Scripture because they can at times be tempting, easy answers to a hard question.  But the false answers must be exposed because they deny essential truth about our Lord.  Here are a few of these deceptions.

·        DOCETISTS: Jesus’ life in a physical body was a mirage, a mere appearance.  After all, God cannot be contaminated with human flesh.   (But Jesus said, A spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have, Luke 24:39).

·        APOLLINARIANS: Jesus’ body and soul were human, but the spirit was divine.  (Can it then be said that Jesus was truly tempted in all things as we are, Heb. 4:15?  Did He really become a brother to us, Heb. 2:11,14?) 

·        SOCINIANS, UNITARIANS: Jesus, the best of men, was adopted or promoted to divine status, perhaps at his baptism.  (But John 1:1 says the Word was God.)

·        ARIANS, JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES: Jesus, the first and highest created angel, began life as a mere man and after his death was exalted to a higher creaturely status than before.  (Besides John 1:1, our passage says Jesus was in the form of God before He became a man.)

·        SOME MODERNISTS: Jesus was fully human even with a sinful nature.  Though he sinned he is the finest symbol of divine love ever.  (We ask then, what glory did Jesus have with the Father before He was born, John 17:5?)

·        NEO-ORTHODOX: Jesus was fully human, even with a sinful nature, but he did not sin.  God acts in the world through him.  (If Jesus was truly God as He claimed, the great I AM, how could God exist in a sinful nature?)

(We will continue with this in the next post.)

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