Thursday, July 5, 2018

Matthew 24:15-28 (Mk. 13:14-23; Lk. 21:20-24)

Again, let us give an account of what Jesus calls a time of great tribulation.  Then we will consider a couple of questions that arise from the passage.
Mt 24/Mk 13/Lk 21
When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place.
  /  /20
When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies then know that its desolation is near.
Then let those in Judea flee to the mountains, etc.
  /  /22
These are the days of vengeance.
Woe to those who are with child or who are nursing.
Pray it does not happen in winter or on Sabbath for this will be a great tribulation, unlike the world has ever seen; no flesh would be saved unless the days were shortened.
  /  /23b-24
There will be great distress in Israel; she will fall by the sword and be led away captive; Jerusalem will be trod under foot until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Don’t believe those who claim to be Christ or those who claim to know who the Christ is.  The deception will be great, even deceiving the elect if possible.
26b-28/  /
The coming of the Son of Man will be sudden as lightning flashing across the sky; like eagles drawn to a carcass, so these events will portend the coming of Messiah.
·        Is this referring to the future tribulation period or the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD?  Let us follow Matthew’s advice: whoever reads (Daniel’s prophecy) let him understand!  In Dan. 9:26 Gabriel explains that after Messiah is cut off the Romans (the people of the prince) shall destroy Jerusalem and the temple; desolations are determined.  Luke speaks of this.  In the very next phrase Gabriel speaks of the covenant antichrist makes and then breaks in the middle of the seven years (9:27; cf. also Dan. 11:31; 12:11) when the abomination of desolation is seen standing in the holy place (i.e. in the rebuilt temple of the tribulation period).  Matthew and Mark speak of this.  The OT prophets did not see the Church age that separates these events.

·        What is meant by the days being shortened?  The three and a half years, the time of antichrist’s reign of terror, is a short time.  God does not allow a trial greater than what His people can bear (1 Cor. 10:13; Ps. 125:3).

Jesus is giving clear answers to the disciples’ questions.  These are the signs of the end, the time immediately preceding His return to establish His kingdom.  It is truth based on OT prophesies, with Jesus giving clarity as to the issue of the suffering and glory of the Messiah which those prophets could not understand (1 Peter 1:10-12).  Let us hear and understand our Lord.

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