Friday, June 29, 2018

Matthew 23:16-26

Ø The hypocrisy of their promises, 23:16-22.
In this passage you see clearly the lifestyle of the hypocrites (i.e. the rules they brought upon people) being translated into their preaching (their theology).  The appearance is that people are often impressed with the technicalities of religious Law.  And especially if the teachers claimed to be living by these rules.  People with such practical and specific rules of life must be holy!

But the fact is that it lead to foolishness and to deceit, as Jesus points out.  The rules allowed for getting out of obligations of the law in some cases.  This was not truth but evasion of the truth.  And note that the term here is not hypocrites but blind guides; these kinds of rules and the promises attached to them lead people astray.  They were liars after Satan, their father (John 8:44).

Ø The hypocrisy of their priorities, 23:23-24.
The hypocrites seemed religious because of the way they meticulously tithed the smallest items in their income.  Mint, anise (dill) and cumin (resembles caraway) spices that were cultivated but grew wild as well.   But the reality was that they left undone the major issues.  They majored on the minor; they minored in the major.  Cults usually do that, majoring on something other than the gospel.  Churches can do the same (Christmas candy, pink chandeliers, politics, Bible translations, etc.).  Jesus condemns this!

Ø The hypocrisy of their performance, 23:25-26.
We have noted earlier that the religion of hypocrisy magnifies what is on the outside and not the inside.  Here, the reference to the “clean cup” seems to point more to service as the cup is a means of service.  So these hypocrites seemed to give themselves as servants.  But inside they were filled with extortion (thievery, demanding that people put money in the coffers under the guise of obedience to God, even burdening widows to sell their houses and give the money into the treasury, 23:14).  They cared for themselves instead of the flock, getting fat off the flock (Ezek. 34:1-10).

Take a moment to meditate on these passage from the Epistles that speak of hypocrisy.
·        2 Cor. 5:12: hypocrites boast in appearance, not in the heart.
·        Gal. 6:3: hypocrites think they are something when they are nothing.
·        Phil. 3:19: hypocrites set their mind on earthly things.
·        2 Tim. 3:5: hypocrites have a form of godliness but deny it’s power (from such turn away).
·        Titus 1:16: hypocrites profess to know God but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient and disqualified for every good work.
·        2 Peter 2:16: hypocrites use liberty as a cloak for evil.
·        1 John 4:20: hypocrites say they love God but hate their brother.

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