Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Luke 12:1-12

We have considered the last couple of days how to reject Christ.  Now let us ask, “How do I follow Christ?”  We are taking up our cross daily to follow Him.  How can we stay on the path.  This is not a list of “dos and don’ts” or “3 easy steps.”  It is Jesus’ teaching on major attitudes and principles that are essential for those who would follow Him.

I. Beware of hypocrisy, Luke 12:1-12.
In the meantime (v1) indicates a connection to the end of Luke 11.  Jesus, railed on the leaders for their hypocrisy; he now warns His disciples against that very thing.  Hypocrisy is the leaven of the Pharisees.  Leaven, always a picture of sin in Scripture, makes bread look bigger while doing nothing for food-value.

To be a hypocrite is to be an actor, a stage player.  It is playing a role in real life and not being your true self.  Review Luke 11:39-44 or Matt. 6:1-18 and see this perfectly in the Pharisees.  (Also cf. Gal. 2:13; James 5:12; Matt. 7:5.)

The term beware literally refers to the landing of a ship.  Jesus is saying, don’t let this ship land in your life; don’t start down this road.  As Sir Walter Scott said, O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.  

Jesus argument is even more powerful.  What is the problem with hypocrisy?

  • ·        12:2-3: First, your true self will be found out, eventually, and you will be sorely ashamed.  He is probably speaking of future judgment (cf. 1 Cor. 4:5; Heb. 4:13).  But there may also be a thought that people will eventually figure you out and they will gladly shout it from the housetops (cf. 1 Tim. 5:24).  How often we have seen prominent Christians living double lives, only to be found out and then bringing shame on themselves as well as on Christ.

  • ·        12:4-7: The fear of man is a “snare” (Pr. 29:25).  It is that fear that is behind hypocrisy; we are afraid of what others think and so we put on an act.  But the need is to fear God who has the power of final judgment.  As vs.6-7 show, God misses nothing in our lives; He sees it all, with perfect clarity.

  • ·        12:8-12: Lastly, hypocrisy is a serious issue because it will affect our need to confess Christ publicly.  If we deny Christ because we fear what others will think, we will be denied before God.  That’s not retribution; rather it says that our denial shows we have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, committing the one unpardonable sin of rejecting Christ.  It is amazing that the hypocrite might even fool himself into thinking he is the real deal.

What a powerful warning!  What an appropriate warning for those who are following Christ.  Don’t let the ship of hypocrisy land at your port.  Be honest, before God, before the saints, before the world!

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