If Psalm 1 is perfect to begin the “Hymnal of the Saints”,
Psalm 2 must then follow immediately.
First we understand life is a choice.
There are only 2 ways: the way of the righteous and the way of the
ungodly. Only one way leads to God and
has His favor. Now in this magnificent
Psalm God reveals His plan for history.
Herein we see the 2 ways being lived out. And we see the only way mankind can be
The Psalm is quite simple in terms of organization. There are four stanzas, each with three
verses. In v1-3 wicked men speak against
God; in v4-6 the LORD
speaks to the wicked men; in v7-9 the LORD speaks to His Anointed; in v10-12 wicked
men are called to submit to the LORD and His Anointed.
I. The opposition to
the LORD’s
Anointed, v1-3.
The Creator has provided a wonderful universe for
mankind. As in the Garden of Eden we see
that all the needs are met. But there is
a limit: one tree that is forbidden to Man.
The Man doesn’t need the one tree.
He has all he needs. But the Man
hates the limitation. So he rebels
against the Lord. What vanity
(emptiness, v1)! What pride (v3)! What foolishness! Does the pot resist the potter?
II. The exaltation of the LORD’s Anointed, v4-6.
God’s attitude toward this is exactly what should be
expected. One does not reason with
fools. One laughs at their ridiculous
ideas, and then simply reminds them of reality, the reality that has escaped
them. (Isa. 40:12-26 gives a more lengthy statement of God’s perspective
of the great people of earth who exalt themselves against their Creator.) Note that the LORD says to mankind, “I HAVE set My King on
My holy hill of Zion.” This is the way
it is, whatever we think. This is the
reality of history. If we think the
world doesn’t look like this then we must understand that our perspective is
faulty. His Anointed is King. But read on …
III. The promise to the LORD’s Anointed, v7-9.
This stanza tells us the identity of the LORD’s Anointed and how
the rule of the Anointed will be seen by all.
First, the Anointed is the LORD’s Son. This is not a
surprise to those in Israel
who pay attention to God’s revelation.
There was a hint at this connection between the Anointed (Melchizedek) and a “son” in Gen. 14:18-15:6 (the
offspring of Abraham). It became clearer
when God sent Abraham to sacrifice “your son, your only son Isaac, whom you
love” on one of the peaks of Moriah (Gen. 22:2). That event, where Isaac did not die, became
memorable to God’s people from then on, that He had revealed something
significant about how He would provide for man’s salvation (Gen. 22:14). It is not really strange when Proverbs poses
the question, What is His (the Holy One) name, and what is His Son’s name, if
you know?” (Prov. 30:4). The Anointed is
God’s Son by decree, having the role of firstborn or heir. The cults and false religions contain much
silliness about God having a wife so as to produce a son. By this decree we then see how it is that the
LORD will bring
to fulfillment the rule of His Anointed.
who is sovereign over all the nations and the creator of all will give the
nations to His Son as an inheritance.
Because of the rebellion of the nations, the Son will then take His
inheritance by force. Would you like a
very clear picture of this? Read the
parable Jesus told in Luke 20:9-19 where the foolish rulers determine to kill
the Heir so they can have His inheritance.
Again, what foolishness!
IV. The submission to the LORD’s Anointed, v10-12.
Where does this lead?
Easily we can see that there is only one response. We would be wise to bow the knee to the Son
now. Why be so foolish in putting it
off. For those who do not bow the knee
He will rightfully break them and dash them to pieces in His anger. As one would approach an earthly king and bow
before him, kissing his ring, so we are advised to “Kiss the Son, lest He be
angry, and you perish in the way.”
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.
And now let us update the story. What more has the LORD said? Who is His Son? The angel announced that Mary’s Son would be
‘the Son of the Highest’ (Luke 1:32).
The LORD Himself said that Jesus of Nazareth was His only Son, the Son
that He loved (Matt. 3:17). Satan seemed
to understand this as well (Matt. 4:3).
Jesus accepted this title from His disciples (Matt. 16:16-17). And in the most powerful way, Jesus Christ
“was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the
Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection
from the dead” (Rom. 1:3-4). God sent
His Son, as He had promised throughout Scripture. And we know it is Jesus; His resurrection
proclaims it boldly.
Someday this “mystery of God” will be finished (Rev. 10:7)
at the time when all heaven will announce, “The kingdoms of this world have
become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever
and ever!” (Rev. 11:15). We cannot plead
any more passionately, “Kiss the Son!”
Put your trust in Him!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John
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