Friday, September 29, 2017

Hosea 14

Israel had sought help from men, but God said He was her only help and would be her King (13:10).  Israel’s choice to follow other gods had left her dead (13:1), but God said He would resurrect her (13:14).  Today’s passage brings us to this time of Israel’s restoration, a restoration that will not only return her to the prosperous land but which will make her the holy nation, the faithful wife.

·        14:1-3: Because God’s promise is first and fundamentally spiritual, the restoration begins with a cry to Israel to return to the LORD your God.  It is a classic call to faith that calls for recognition that you have stumbled because of your iniquity.  It calls for words, a public confession if you will, calling out to God to take away all iniquity and to receive us graciously.  It calls for repentance, turning their back on Assyria and the gods they have trusted in before.  All of this is one act of faith, trusting God who is merciful to the fatherless.  How this message needs to be preached today in every context, to Israel and to the nations.  This is the call of the gospel!

·        14:4-7: What will happen if Israel will do this?  God will heal her of the disease she had which no one could cure (Hos. 5:13).  God would love her freely without the complication of His righteous anger that she was now experiencing.  God would be to Israel as the dew or light rain in the morning that brings a blessing to the crops (not like the early dew that passes away (13:3).  She shall grow like the lily, deepen her roots like Lebanon which is known for the cedars that put down deep roots, and be beautiful like as olive tree.  

Hosea’s prophecy ends with a personal plea to the people of his day.  While the word of the LORD has taken Israel to the future, the message of the prophet is very much for the present.  The plea is to any who call themselves wise, who consider themselves to be prudent.  If you are really that smart, we might say, then recognize the truth of what I have been saying and order your life accordingly.  

What has Hosea said?  Simply that the people of Israel have turned away from the LORD and sought other lovers.  The result is that she is suffering and the suffering will only get worse.  But if and when Israel returns to the LORD He will respond with great love.  If you are wise you will return to the LORD!  Why would you continue to forfeit His blessing?

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. … Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. … For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” (Romans 10:9-13).

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