Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Love in ALL things! 1 Corinthians 16:13-24

1 Corinthians 13 we call the love chapter; and I know why.  It makes sense.  But what would you call 1 Corinthians 16?  “Oh,” we might say, “it’s just some personal matters he needs to share with the Corinthian church.  He’s tying up some loose ends about the collection and his future travel plans.  It’s the way he ends all his letters, making references to various individuals about whom we know very little and that mostly had meaning to his first century audience.”

This passage hit me this morning.  I suppose as I have taught on this passage that v13 always caught my attention.  What a great sermon comes from this: 3 points, which is of course necessary for good preaching; and what exciting points they are: faithfulness, bravery and strength!  But if I may encourage you as I was encouraged: look at the love in this section.  The principles Paul taught in 1 Cor. 13 are powerfully illustrated and applied here.  Consider a few thoughts.

·        16:14: I thought to myself, this should have been my life verse.  Everything done in love.  Not just things like helping the needy or showing hospitality or visiting the sick.  Even when I was called to reprove in some situation?  Or to right a wrong?  Paul, in this letter, did a lot of this.  But you see his love for the people he was admonishing.  Let all that you do be done with love!

·        16:15-18: As Paul does on occasion, he tosses in an illustration of people who know how to love.  They are people known by the Corinthians, but he tells us enough so we can see it as well.  They devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints.  They refreshed my spirit and yours.  Note that these are the kind of people to whom we should submit ourselves (v16) and that should be recognized (v18).  In other words, this is leadership material!

·        16:19: Look at the love of Aquila and Priscilla.  They knew what was going on in Corinth; but they sent greetings heartily.  That word in the Greek isn’t a heart word; it simply means much or many.  They poured it on as they greeted these people.  “Let them know we are not judging them; we love them; we enjoy them.  AND we talk about them in our church and it’s all good.”

·        16:20-24: Do we need to mention the holy kiss?  Or the fact that Paul penned his own signature at the end?  If you think that’s just to emphasize his authority think about.  After the typical grace ending (v23) at the very end he wants them to know: My love is with you!  

Let us apply this as the Spirit leads.  But for sure let us remember that even in reproof we should treat people with the love of Christ.  And let us remember as well: If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed.  If we are in the church but don’t love Christ we are in a dangerous position.  We need strong reproof and those who love us will give it to us!

Let all that you do be done with love!

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