Monday, September 26, 2016

Titus 2:1

Let’s get politically incorrect for a while.  We are told we should not judge a book by its cover, a statement often made in the context of sizing up people by the way they dress.  We know there is such a thing as hypocrisy, dressing so as to appear to be something we are not.  But we also recognize a lot of common sense involved in the appearance people choose to display in their day by day dress code.  Wise businessmen will generally avoid hiring someone whose appearance is considered rebellious by their clientele.  It is simply a fact: people are more apt to buy from the retailer whose employees do not display an appearance that most people consider offensive.  Thus many businesses will require uniforms so as not to have to deal with people’s clothing choices.  We cannot avoid the fact: first impressions are critical and they are the result of what people see on the outside.

Now let us consider this question: what should a Christian look like?  Suit and tie?  A nice dress?  A backwards collar?  However you answer the question, don’t say it doesn’t matter.  It does matter!  Titus 2:1 and many other places in the New Testament say so.  Consider just these references in Titus 2:
·        2:1: proper refers to that which stands out or is conspicuous.
·        2:3: reverent refers to people, actions or things that are sacred to God.
·        2:3: behavior refers to demeanor (used of women’s apparel in 1 Tim. 2:9).
·        2:7: showing means to exhibit.
·        2:10: showing (different Greek than v7) means to demonstrate, prove.
·        2:10: adorning the doctrine of God our Savior is often used of ornaments, embellishing oneself in honorable ways.

The idea that putting on the Lord Jesus Christ is akin to putting on clothes in the morning simply comes from the Greek term that is used in such passages as Rom. 13:14, Gal. 3:27, Eph. 4:22-24 and Col. 3:8-10.  The Ephesians and Colossians passages give us a pattern by which we avoid the hypocrisy of trying to look holy on the outside when we are not holy on the inside.  We are to …
Repentance: put off the old behavior.
Renewal: be renewed in our minds, think Biblically about righteousness.
Righteousness: put on Christ-like behavior.

In his encouragement to Titus Paul says that our external behavior must fit or be the things that are proper for sound doctrine.  In other words he is telling Titus to call people to a lifestyle that fits the doctrine of Christ already laid out for them.  Renewal of the mind must precede change in life.  We must take our lifestyle choices and submit them to Christ, learn who He is and then learn to think the way He thinks about our choices.  

Paul will identify various people in the Cretan churches as we make our way through 2:1-10.  Let us first recognize: our behavior matters!  To our Lord AND to the people of this world who need to see a living display of Christ in us.

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