Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Genesis 18:1-15

Abraham is the man of faith who teaches us the meaning of faith.  In the story God has been dealing with and speaking to Abraham (12:1,7; 13:14; 15:1,18; 17:1).  But now, as God again appears to Abraham, Sarah sneaks a listen.  Though God’s dealings are with Abraham He is also concerned with Sarah’s faith as Heb. 11:11 attests.
The story begins with a wonderful illustration of hospitality, which is referred to in Heb. 13:2.  Loving hospitality is seen in that …
·       Abraham took the initiative.
·       Abraham met a need.
·       Abraham was timely.
·       Abraham provided his best.

It is also a picture of fellowship with the Lord since one of the guests is the Lord Himself.  Oh that we would enjoy such conversation with the One who desires such fellowship with us (Rev. 3:20).
The fellowship provides another lesson of faith for Abraham and Sarah.  God tells Abraham that he will have a son through Sarah.  God promises to come to Sarah according to the time of life; that is, at the time of her reviving.  Sarah thought of herself as too old; God promised she would be revitalized, able to conceive the promised son.
From her apartment in the back of the tent Sarah hears and doubtless laughs to herself.  But it is the Lord who has spoken, and He hears the attitude of her heart.  He reproves her for her unbelief.  How do we know this is the laughter of unbelief?  Because Sarah denies that she laughed.  Unbelief is always exposed when we deny the Lord’s evaluation of our attitudes, words and actions.
The issue is made very clear by the Lord’s own words: IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD (v14)?  This has been the issue all along.  Why did they seek to fulfill God’s promise through Hagar?  Why did Abraham twice lie about his wife to protect his own skin?  Why did Abraham want to settle for Ishmael instead of Isaac?  The answer is the same: they assume God’s plan is too hard for God!  
Do not deny the truth.  Our dependence on the flesh, our disobedience, our impatience, our anger: it all assumes that our situation is too hard for God!  Think of your present trial in this light.  Be honest about your sin.  Confess and repent!

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