Friday, February 27, 2015

Romans 1:24-32

Man’s regression from God seems complete in that the Creator has been replaced by the created thing.  But one equation that is consistent in the Bible is that behavior is directly related to faith or religion.  Thus we read three times in these verses God gave them up (v24,26,28) to sinful behavior.  And each phrase is preceded by a logical connector (there, for this reason, and even as).  God gives man over to behavior that is the logical consequence of man’s choice to reject the Creator and worship the creature.  In considering these three steps we see the beginning of God’s wrath on sinful man.  The Creator is giving man what he asks for.  The law of the harvest says, what a man sows that shall he reap.  That law is in operation here.

First, God gives mankind up to uncleanness so as to dishonor their bodies.  This I the consequence of man exchanging the truth of God for the lie and because he worshiped the creature rather than the Creator.  Man believed the lie perpetrated by Satan when he told Eve, you will be like God (Gen. 3:5).  Man has turned from God to worship himself (Rom. 1:23).  The result is that man follows the lusts of his own heart, resulting in uncleanness.  This term has to do with sexual sin, the means by which man dishonors his body.  God does not say that sex or the sexual desire is sinful.  Rather the sin is man’s rejection of God’s boundaries that the desire is to be satisfied within the marriage relationship (Gen.2).  Since man becomes his own “god” he satisfies the desire according to his own lusts and thus in fact dishonors the body God created.

Having rejected the Creator man is now given over to a rejection of what is natural in creation.  Ruled by his own lust (v24) he is prone to vile passions (v26).  The uncleanness (v24-25) becomes that which is against nature.  The homosexual desires and relationship spoken of here are the result of replacing the boundaries of a loving Creator with insatiable or burning lust.  Thus they commit shameful acts.  Note how this is a just penalty; it is the law of the harvest at work.  What is being described here is more than a few instances of homosexual behavior that might be dealt with in the context of a society that generally honors the Creator.  Instead it involves unnatural behavior that becomes tolerated, accepted, and then promoted in the life of the community.  As an illustration, God’s judgment on Sodom (Gen. 19) came at a time when homosexuality had become a widely accepted lifestyle.

Given man’s unbridled lust and vile passions, God gives man over to a debased or depraved mind (v28-32).  Man’s lack of personal control and his desires becomes lack of control in every aspect of life.  This grievous list of sins is evidence of a totally selfish mindset and lifestyle.  And the selfishness extends beyond the individual man to the society around him.  He rejects the idea that those who do these things deserve death, as the Creator says.  On the contrary, the society comes to approve of this selfishness.  How can this happen?  It happens because man determines to remove God from his knowledge.  Without God the man and society have no restraint of conscience.

What a sad situation.  Man imagines a good life doing everything he desires to do.  But in the end man loses his significance because he rejects the purpose of the One who made him.  We would be immensely benefited if we were to consider our own mindset in relationship to these verses.  Have we retained God in our knowledge?  Do we seek for and accept His boundaries for our desires?

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