Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ezekiel 22

Ezekiel 20-23 is a series of sermons by Ezekiel preached the same day (20:1: 7th year, 5th month, 10th day).  Each announces judgment on Jerusalem and Judah.  This judgment was no surprise to those who knew God’s word through Moses (Gen. – Deut.).  In Lev. 26 God told Israel what would happen if they did not keep His judgments, and what would happen if they continues to disobey.

·        26:1-13: blessing for obedience
·        26:14-45: curse for disobedience
  • o   26:14-17: disease, poor crops, defeat at hands of enemies
  • o   26:18-20: 7 times more, drought, land less and less productive
  • o   26:21-22: 7 times more, plagues, wild beasts, decreasing population
  • o   26:23-26: 7 times more, sword, pestilence, delivered up to enemy
  • o   26:27-45: 7 times more, FURY from God, siege, desolation of land, laying waste the cities, scattering among the nations, faintness of heart, etc.

Clearly what Ezekiel is prophesying is the fifth stage of God’s judgment when His fury is poured out.  In other words God did not need to reveal all these things to Ezekiel in a vision; He simply needed to lead Ezekiel to hear what was promised in previous revelations of Scripture.  Today’s passage is essentially an announcement of the fury of God in three sermons. 

Ø Sermon #1 against Jerusalem, 22:1-16.  Jerusalem is the “bloody city” that has committed abominations.  This city that had been so glorious in previous times would become the reproach of the nations.  The weak would be mistreated, families denigrated and the sacred profaned.  Again the severity of God’s bury is illustrated by the beating of His fists (v13).  The significant things is that they will be removed from the land. 
Ø Sermon #2 against the house of Israel, 22:17-22.  This is directed to people still in the land who will be gathered to Jerusalem where the final act of this fury takes place. 
Ø Sermon #3 against the shepherds, 22:23-31.  The shepherds are the prophets, priests and princes though he also addresses the people in general.  The hard truth is God had looked for someone, anyone, to “stand in the gap”, to give Him a reason not to pour out His fury; but He found no one.  Remember Ezekiel 14 (Day 10) that even great intercessors as Noah, Daniel and Job would not be able to stay God’s hand.

Let us be encouraged.  We know God will keep His word, including His words of judgment.  Israel has reached the final stage where there is no turning back from God’s fury (Lev. 26).  Let us understand that God is extremely and amazingly patient.  But there is a limit; He will fulfill His word.  Let us “stand in the gap” now, while there is yet hope that God will relent and bring about a change in people’s hearts.

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