Friday, June 5, 2020

Read Psalm 132

The pilgrim has come to Jerusalem.  He is overcome as he reflects on David who had desired to build the beautiful temple he now beholds.  He remembers with deep joy the worship of the people when the ark was first brought to Jerusalem, and how God's glory filled that temple in the days of Solomon.  But this Psalmist is writing many years afterwards.  Perhaps he is concerned about a lack of true worship in Israel.  Or perhaps a new son of David is ascending to the throne.  The prayer of the Psalmist is a wonderful reminder for the pilgrim in our day.  His prayer is based on three promises he now prays back to God.

A. The promise of God for David, v10-12.

He first remembers the promise God gave to David (2 Sam. 7:11ff) concerning the establishment of a lineage on the throne of Israel.  This was an unconditional promise to David, and so the Psalmist reminds God Who he knows will be faithful.

B. The promise of God for the dwelling place, v13-16.

God had, in fact, chosen Jerusalem to be the place where He would dwell with Israel.  He had promised Moses in the wilderness that at some point He would designate a city.  That city was Jerusalem.  From verse 14 to the end of the Psalm, God is speaking and promising His abundant provision to His people.

C. The promise of God for the Messiah, v17-18.

In verse 17, the Lord refers to the horn of David, a reference to those who would come after him, and, ultimately, the Messiah who will sit on the throne of David.  In the course of promising to bless the temple, God then is promising to bless the Messiah Who will someday be both the occupant of David's throne and the God Who dwells with men!

Again we must think about what all this means to the pilgrim today.  Yes, we await heaven.  Yes, there is yet an earthly kingdom where Christ will reign.  But when the Christian comes to a deeper knowledge of God, he comes to a deeper knowledge of Christ.  No one knows God apart from Christ (John 14:6).  Jesus promises to come to the one who loves Him and make His home with that one (John 14:23).  But this home is not simply a place where God exists; since it is a temple, it is HIS home.  His abundant provisions are only experienced when He is settled down (Eph. 3:17), when He is both the God in the temple and the God on the throne!

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