Thursday, August 1, 2019

Prov. 18:22, In Celebration of 50 Years

Today is a day of celebration for me, celebration of the faithfulness and goodness (emeth and checed) of God.  The lesser celebration is of 5 years of daily posts on this blog.  The daily part began Aug. 1, 2014.  The much greater celebration is 50 years of marriage to my wonderful, faithful, Christ-pursuing wife.  I cannot thank God enough for giving me such a helper and friend.  Truly, He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD. (Prov. 18:22).

For us Matt. 6:33 has been a key verse from the beginning: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.  How I wish I could say I have always lived according to this principle; I have not.  But when I have not, and have eventually come to my senses, it has been the place to come back to.

Today I am going to post wedding pictures with a few additional scriptures.  May God bless you.

“Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.”

“Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.”
Married before God and men.
My brother.  A good man.  The best man!
My wife saved the left-over wedding napkins (no, we have no left-over cake) and she will take them to a gathering with our children and grandchildren in a few days.
Friends who set a good example of marital faithfulness are so valuable.
My uncle who officiated.  My father had passed away earlier in the year.  We had one pre-marital counselling session.  It was on July 20, 1969.  We went to church on Sunday night where someone set a television on the pulpit so when the moment came when Armstrong took the giant step for mankind we saw it.  As soon as church was over we went to my uncles house and met with him around the table.  All I remember was him saying we should wait a couple years before having children so we could enjoy each other and get adjusted to family life.  Our first child was born 9 months and 22 days after the wedding.  There's no question the counsel was good; life was hectic with newlyweds trying to figure out that relationship PLUS Bible college PLUS a daughter etc.  But as is the case in many marriages: the difficulties did not destroy us but by God's grace they strengthened us.  We look back and love to rehearse the stories of God's carrying us when we didn't even know we were in need of the help!

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