Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Luke 11:29-54

·    3.     Reject Jesus by asking for (more) evidence, 11:16,29-36.
Others had tested Jesus, asking Him for a sign from heaven (v16).  This was an ignorant request given all the signs Jesus had already presented.  Jesus’ answer is that these hard-hearted people will only get one sign, the sign of the prophet Jonah.  The sign He refers to is that of His resurrection after being three days and nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12:40).  The point is that when Jonah landed on the beach it was a sign that caught people’s attention.  And they repented!  Jesus is greater than Jonah (or Solomon, as with the queen of Sheba, v31) and yet He is being rejected.  The judgment on those who reject Him while He is living and ministering before their eyes will be greater.  

Again, Jesus confronts this rejection by encouraging them to open their eyes to Him rather than asking for more light (signs).  He pressed them to receive the Light, not allowing worldly lusts to keep them in darkness.  This has application today.  Many reject Christ even with the evidence in Scripture of fulfilled prophecy, supernatural signs, the testimony of eyewitnesses and of changed lives.  Rather than responding to the light that is there people will often demand more evidence.  But that demand is just a stalling tactic, a form of rejection.  

·        4. Reject Christ by demanding that He fit your religious expectations, 11:37-54.
This involved what might seem a petty issue: Jesus did not wash His hands before eating.  But this was that this was a religious matter; the Pharisees always washed.  To them, those who did this ceremonial washing showed they were true saints.  Jesus, again in His mercy, confronted the Pharisee who invited Him to dinner to be more concerned about his dirty heart than his dirty hands.
Jesus proceeded to make a ringing charge against the Pharisees in general for all the external religious acts they engaged in while failing to have hearts that were right.  Remember that fundamental to the Law of Moses was the greatest command: to love God (Deut. 4:4-6).  That is where law-keeping begins!

When rebuked by a Scribe (Lawyer, v45) Jesus addressed them as well, for their lack of compassion on those they tried to help (v45).  They were hypocrites, doing the very things they criticized their fathers for doing (v47-51).  This was tragic as it deprived the people of key to knowing the truth (v52).  This is what religion does: it lays a heavy obligation on people but offers no help.  The response of the leaders was what you do when you have no answer: they yelled at Jesus and tried to discredit Him in some other area way. 

This is important.  Do not fail to examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5).  Being neutral about Jesus, speaking well of Him without believing in Him, and ignoring available light are ultimately just stalling tactics that lead to full-blown rejection.  Don’t delay!  Today bow before Him and put your faith in Him for the forgiveness of your sins.  Reject His mercy no longer!

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