Sometimes people mistakenly say that Jesus was not clear about His Messianic claims, including the claim to Deity. Concerning what I just said, remember that the OT prophecies of Messiah included His Deity. This can be seen in the imagery of Gen. 22 (Abraham with his “only beloved son” Isaac on Mt. Moriah). Messiah is “Mighty God, Everlasting Father” (Isa. 9:6). Messiah, the Branch, is “the LORD/Jehovah our righteousness” (Jer. 23:5-6). When Messiah enters the Eastern Gate it is “the LORD God of Israel” who has entered (Ezek. 44:1-3). And so forth.
But now, coming back to those who mistakenly
say that Jesus was not clear about this, what follows is taken from John’s
Gospel, chapters 1-10. It is probably
incomplete, but it reminds us of Jesus clarity.
First, several
people acknowledged Jesus as Messiah and were not discouraged by Jesus in their
John the Apostle in the prologue (1:1-18).
John the Baptist (1:29-34).
Andrew (1:41).
Philip (1:45).
Nathaniel (1:49).
The Samaritan Woman (4:29).
· The crowd (6:14).
The man born blind, who worshiped Jesus (9:38).
Jesus sounded like and looked like Israel’s Messiah.
· John 2:16-17: He had a Messianic zeal for His
Father’s house, the temple.
· John 3:13: He had applied a Messianic title, “Son of
Man,” to Himself (Dan. 7:13-14).
· John 4:25-26; 9:35-37: To both the woman of Samaria
and the man born blind, He “introduced” Himself as Messiah and Son of God.
· John 5:46:To the Jews He claimed to be the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies made by Moses.
8:58: He claimed to be the “I AM.”
Jesus frequently pointed to the miracles as
miraculous signs of His Messiahship (3:2; 5:36; 10:25). John, led by the Spirit, chose miracles that
manifested qualities of Deity in Jesus (e.g. creative ability, omniscience). When He turned water to wine (2:1-11, a
miracle of creation) John said that Jesus “manifested His glory” (2:11; i.e.
His deity, the glory He had had with the Father, 17:5). Healing the nobleman’s son (4:43-54)
displayed omniscience. You see it in all
the miracles in John because, as John himself said, these are written that
you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (20:31).
How do we know that the Jews understood what
He was claiming? We know it by their
reactions. On several occasions they
sought to kill Him (John 5:18; 7:1,25; 8:59; 10:31). Furthermore, the crowds were regularly
arguing about who He was, among each other and with the leadership (7:40-44;
9:16; 10:19-21). When you read these
exchanges you will see that there were people who were getting the point about
Jesus because they were seeing and hearing the things we are talking about
here. In other words, our point today:
there was clarity in Jesus claims.